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Effect of Sugammadex on Postoperative Myasthenic Crisis in Myasthenia Gravis Patients: Propensity Score Analysis of a Japanese Nationwide Database.

Sugammadex对重症肌无力患者术后肌无力危象的影响: 日本全国数据库的倾向评分分析。

  • 影响因子:2.27
  • DOI:10.1213/ANE.0000000000004239
  • 作者列表:"Mouri H","Jo T","Matsui H","Fushimi K","Yasunaga H
  • 发表时间:2020-02-01

BACKGROUND:In myasthenia gravis (MG) patients, postoperative myasthenic crisis, and residual neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) can cause respiratory failure that requires mechanical ventilation. However, it remains unclear whether the use of sugammadex for NMBA reversal reduces postoperative myasthenic crisis in MG patients undergoing surgery. We analyzed the association between use of sugammadex and postoperative myasthenic crisis in patients with MG using a national inpatient database. METHODS:Adult patients with MG who received thymectomy under general anesthesia were identified in the Japanese Diagnosis Procedure Combination database from July 1, 2010 to March 31, 2016. Patients who received sugammadex (sugammadex group) were compared with those who did not receive sugammadex (control group). The primary outcome was postoperative myasthenic crisis, and the secondary outcomes were postoperative pneumonia, tracheostomy, 28-day mortality, total hospitalization costs, and length of stay after surgery. Propensity scores were estimated by logistic regression based on the following variables: age; sex; body mass index (BMI); smoking index; history of cancer; Charlson comorbidity index (CCI); type of thymectomy; time from hospital admission to surgery; use of plasma exchange, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, anticholinesterase, and oral benzodiazepine before surgery; type of hospital; and treatment year. The outcomes were compared using stabilized inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) analyses to obtain good between-group balance. RESULTS:Of 795 patients identified, 506 patients received sugammadex and 289 patients did not. After stabilized IPTW, the sugammadex group was associated with a decrease in postoperative myasthenic crisis (22/507 [4.3%] vs 25/288 [8.7%]; odds ratio [OR], 0.48; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.25-0.91), but not associated with a decrease in postoperative pneumonia (5/507 [1.0%] vs 7/288 [2.4%]; OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.17-1.14) or tracheostomy (7/507 [1.4%] vs 10/288 [3.5%]; OR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.12-1.22) compared with the control group. The sugammadex group had significantly lower median (interquartile range) total hospitalization costs ($13,186 [$11,250-$16,988] vs $14,119 [$11,713-$20,207]; P < .001) and median length of stay after surgery (10 [8-15] vs 11 [8-18] days; P < .001), compared with the control group. CONCLUSIONS:In this retrospective observational study, sugammadex was associated with reductions in postoperative myasthenic crisis and total hospitalization costs in adult patients with MG who received thymectomy. Given the present findings, sugammadex should be routinely administered for MG patients undergoing thymectomy.


背景: 在重症肌无力 (MG) 患者中,术后肌无力危象和残留的神经肌肉阻滞剂 (NMBA) 可引起呼吸衰竭,需要机械通气。然而,目前还不清楚使用sugammadex进行NMBA逆转是否会减少接受手术的MG患者的术后肌无力危象。我们使用国家住院患者数据库分析了使用sugammadex与MG患者术后肌无力危象的相关性。 方法: 在 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 20 16 年 3 月 31 日的日本诊断程序组合数据库中确定了在全麻下接受胸腺切除术的MG成年患者。接受sugammadex (sugammadex组) 的患者与未接受sugammadex (对照组) 的患者进行比较。主要结局为术后肌无力危象,次要结局为术后肺炎、气管切开术、 28 天死亡率、总住院费用和术后住院时间。根据以下变量通过logistic回归估计倾向得分: 年龄; 性别; 体重指数 (BMI); 吸烟指数; 癌症史; Charlson合并症指数 (CCI); 胸腺切除术的类型; 从入院到手术的时间; 使用血浆置换、免疫抑制剂、皮质类固醇、抗胆碱酯酶、和术前口服苯二氮卓类; 医院类型; 和治疗年。使用稳定的治疗加权逆概率 (IPTW) 分析比较结局,以获得良好的组间平衡。 结果: 在确定的 795 例患者中,506 例患者接受sugammadex治疗,289 例患者未接受。稳定IPTW后,sugammadex组与术后肌无力危象减少相关 (22/507 [4.3%] vs 25/288 [8.7%]; 比值比 [OR],0.48; 95% 可信区间 [CI],0.25-0.91),但与术后肺炎减少无关 (5/507 [1.0%] vs 7/288 [2.4%];OR,0.44; 95% CI,0.17-1.14) 或气管切开术 (7/507 [1.4%] vs 10/288 [3.5%]; or,0.38; 95% CI,0.12-1.22) 与对照组比较。Sugammadex组的中位 (四分位数间距) 总住院费用显著降低 ($13,186 [$11,250-$16,988] vs $14,119 [$11,713-$20,207]; P < .001) 与对照组相比,术后中位住院时间 (10 [8-15] vs 11 [8-18] 天; P <.001)。 结论: 在这项回顾性观察性研究中,sugammadex与接受胸腺切除术的成年MG患者术后肌无力危象和总住院费用的减少相关。鉴于目前的研究结果,sugammadex应常规用于接受胸腺切除术的MG患者。



作者列表:["Apivatthakakul A","Kunavisarut P","Rothova A","Pathanapitoon K"]

METHODS::Purpose: To report on ocular Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH)-like syndrome under vemurafenib treatment for metastatic melanoma.Design: A case report.Method: Description of clinical and imaging manifestations including fundus photography, fluorescein, and indocyanine green angiography.Results: A 46-year-old Thai female was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma of the skin and had been treated with multiple surgical excisions, radiotherapy, and vemurafenib (initial dose 480 mg orally twice daily, subsequently increased to maximum dose of 960 mg twice daily). After 6 months of vemurafenib use, she complained of bilateral redness and photophobia and was diagnosed with bilateral anterior uveitis, which was topically treated. Two weeks later, her visual acuity (VA) sharply deteriorated to 20/80 and counting fingers. Ocular examination at that stage stronly resembled acute VKH disease. She exhibited intraocular inflammation, and her fundus examination revealed bilateral optic disc swelling and serous retinal detachment. Fluorescein angiogram showed disc leakage and multiple pinpoint hyperfluorescence leakage spots and indocyanine green demonstrated multiple hypofluorescent spots. Oral prednisolone 30 mg/day was commenced while vemurafenib medication was ceased. Three weeks later, her vision improved, and serous retinal detachment subsided. However, her cutaneous melanoma recurred.Conclusions: Vemurafenib, a potential adjunct treatment for metastatic melanoma, was complicated by the development of panuveitis, papillitis, and multiple serous detachments. These ocular symptoms were similar to the presentation of acute VKH syndrome.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Crow YJ","Shetty J","Livingston JH"]

METHODS::Comprehensive reviews of the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), particularly its contextualization within a putative type I interferonopathy framework, already exist. However, recent reports of attempts at treatment suggest that an assessment of the field from a therapeutic perspective is warranted at this time. Here, we briefly summarize the neurological phenotypes associated with mutations in the seven genes so far associated with AGS, rehearse current knowledge of the pathology as it relates to possible treatment approaches, critically appraise the potential utility of therapies, and discuss the challenges in assessing clinical efficacy. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: Progress in understanding AGS disease pathogenesis has led to the first attempts at targeted treatment. Further rational therapies are expected to become available in the short- to medium-term.

关键词: 暂无
翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Takayama K","Obata H","Takeuchi M"]

METHODS::Purpose: To report the efficacy of adalimumab in a case of chronic Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease refractory to conventional corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy and complicated by central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC).Case report: A 66-year-old woman diagnosed with VKH was treated with intravenous corticosteroids followed by oral corticosteroids and cyclosporine. However, systemic corticosteroids could not be tapered because of recurrent ocular inflammation and systemic complications (diabetes mellitus, moon face, bone weakness), while CSC appeared in both eyes. A diagnosis of chronic VKH resistant to medications complicated by corticosteroid-induced CSC was made. Systemic corticosteroids and cyclosporine were tapered and adalimumab initiated. Bilateral ocular inflammation and CSC were gradually reduced and visual acuity improved without any adverse effect. Twelve months after starting adalimumab monotherapy, no signs of active VKH and CSC were present.Conclusions: Adalimumab is one of the effective therapeutic options for refractory VKH disease complicated with corticosteroid-induced adverse effects.






