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Alone But Supported: A Qualitative Study of an HIV Self-testing App in an Observational Cohort Study in South Africa.

单独但得到支持: 南非一项观察性队列研究中HIV自我检测App的定性研究。

  • 影响因子:3.10
  • DOI:10.1007/s10461-019-02516-6
  • 作者列表:"Janssen R","Engel N","Esmail A","Oelofse S","Krumeich A","Dheda K","Pai NP
  • 发表时间:2020-02-01

:HIV self-testing has the potential to improve test access and uptake, but concerns remain regarding counselling and support during and after HIV self-testing. We investigated an oral HIV self-testing strategy together with a mobile phone/tablet application to see if and how it provided counselling and support, and how it might impact test access. This ethnographic study was nested within an ongoing observational cohort study in Cape Town, South Africa. Qualitative data was collected from study participants and study staff using 33 semi-structured interviews, one focus group discussion, and observation notes. The app provided information and guidance while also addressing privacy concerns. The flexibility and support provided by the strategy gave participants more control in choosing whom they included during testing. Accessibility concerns included smartphone access and usability issues for older and rural users. The adaptable access and support of this strategy could aid in expanding test access in South Africa.


: 艾滋病毒自我检测有可能改善检测的获取和接受,但对艾滋病毒自我检测期间和之后的咨询和支持仍存在关切。我们调查了一种口服HIV自我检测策略以及手机/平板电脑应用程序,以了解它是否以及如何提供咨询和支持,以及它可能如何影响检测访问。这项人种学研究嵌套在南非开普敦正在进行的观察性队列研究中。使用 33 次半结构式访谈、一次焦点小组讨论和观察笔记从研究参与者和研究人员中收集定性数据。该应用程序提供了信息和指导,同时也解决了隐私问题。该策略提供的灵活性和支持使参与者在选择他们在测试期间包括的对象时获得了更多的控制权。无障碍问题包括老年用户和农村用户的智能手机访问和可用性问题。该战略的适应性访问和支持有助于扩大南非的测试访问。



来源期刊:AIDS and behavior
作者列表:["Aronson ID","Cleland CM","Rajan S","Marsch LA","Bania TC"]

METHODS::More than 10 years after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended routine HIV testing for patients in emergency departments (ED) and other clinical settings, as many as three out of four patients may not be offered testing, and those who are offered testing frequently decline. The current study examines how participant characteristics, including demographics and reported substance use, influence the efficacy of a video-based intervention designed to increase HIV testing among ED patients who initially declined tests offered by hospital staff. Data from three separate trials in a high volume New York City ED were merged to determine whether patients (N = 560) were more likely to test post-intervention if: (1) they resembled people who appeared onscreen in terms of gender or race; or (2) they reported problem substance use. Chi Square and logistic regression analyses indicated demographic concordance did not significantly increase likelihood of accepting an HIV test. However, participants who reported problem substance use (n = 231) were significantly more likely to test for HIV in comparison to participants who reported either no problem substance use (n = 190) or no substance use at all (n = 125) (x2 = 6.830, p < 0.05). Specifically, 36.4% of patients who reported problem substance use tested for HIV post-intervention compared to 30.5% of patients who did not report problem substance use and 28.8% of participants who did not report substance use at all. This may be an important finding because substance use, including heavy alcohol or cannabis use, can lead to behaviors that increase HIV risk, such as sex with multiple partners or decreased condom use.

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来源期刊:AIDS and behavior
作者列表:["Janssen R","Engel N","Esmail A","Oelofse S","Krumeich A","Dheda K","Pai NP"]

METHODS::HIV self-testing has the potential to improve test access and uptake, but concerns remain regarding counselling and support during and after HIV self-testing. We investigated an oral HIV self-testing strategy together with a mobile phone/tablet application to see if and how it provided counselling and support, and how it might impact test access. This ethnographic study was nested within an ongoing observational cohort study in Cape Town, South Africa. Qualitative data was collected from study participants and study staff using 33 semi-structured interviews, one focus group discussion, and observation notes. The app provided information and guidance while also addressing privacy concerns. The flexibility and support provided by the strategy gave participants more control in choosing whom they included during testing. Accessibility concerns included smartphone access and usability issues for older and rural users. The adaptable access and support of this strategy could aid in expanding test access in South Africa.

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来源期刊:Laboratory medicine
作者列表:["Gannett MS","Gammon RR"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Several Kell-system antibodies are known to cause direct agglutination. Also, some specificities, such as anti-Ku, have been reported to react only via the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT). METHODS:Herein, we describe the case of a 61-year-old alloimmunized white woman who presented to an outside hospital with a gastrointestinal (GI) bleed and a "possible anti-Ku" was reported with 3+ reactivity at PEG-IAT and at Ficin-IAT; in addition to an unidentified cold antibody. Subsequently, when the patient presented to a second outside hospital, an anti-Ku that caused 3+ to 4+ reactions at saline-immediate spin (IS) was identified. The reactivity was evaluated with 0.01-M dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment of the plasma. RESULTS:It was determined that the strong agglutination with saline-IS was caused by immunoglobulin (Ig)M anti-Ku. CONCLUSION:To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an IgM anti-Ku.

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