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Risk Factors Analysis for Human Cytomegalovirus Viremia in Donor+/Recipient+ Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.

供者 +/受者 + 造血干细胞移植中人巨细胞病毒病毒病毒血症的危险因素分析。

  • 影响因子:0.85
  • DOI:10.1093/labmed/lmz030
  • 作者列表:"Yang R","Zhang R","Zhang Y","Huang Y","Liang H","Gui G","Gong S","Wang H","Xu M","Fan J
  • 发表时间:2020-01-02

OBJECTIVE:To assess the rate of, and risk factors for, human cytomegalovirus viremia (HCMV) in donor+/recipient+ (HCMV serostatus matched) hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients. METHODS:HCMV DNA from 144 donor+/recipient+ HSCT recipients was examined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). RESULTS:The cumulative incidence of HCMV viremia was 69.4% (100/144) during the 48 weeks after HSCT. In a multivariate analysis, acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) was discovered to be a risk factor for the occurrence of HCMV viremia (P = .006). The cumulative incidence of HCMV viremia and increasing DNA loads were significantly associated with aGVHD occurrence (P = .001 for each). The occurrence of late-term HCMV viremia was associated with aGVHD (P = .001) and a higher DNA load during the first 12 weeks after HSCT (P = .04). CONCLUSIONS:aGVHD is a risk factor for HCMV viremia. Recipients with aGVHD who have a high HCMV DNA load should be strictly monitored to prevent HCMV activation.


目的: 评估造血干细胞移植 (HSCT) 供者 +/受者 + (HCMV血清状态匹配) 受者巨细胞病毒病毒病毒血症 (HCMV) 的发生率及危险因素。 方法: 采用定量聚合酶链反应 (qPCR) 检测 144 例供者 +/受者 + HSCT受者的HCMV DNA。 结果: HSCT后 48 周HCMV病毒血症的累积发生率为 69.4% (100/144)。在多变量分析中,发现急性移植物抗宿主病 (aGVHD) 是HCMV病毒血症发生的危险因素 (P = .006)。HCMV病毒血症的累积发生率和DNA载量增加与aGVHD发生显著相关 (P = .001)。晚期HCMV病毒血症的发生与aGVHD (P = .001) 和HSCT后前 12 周内较高的DNA载量相关 (P = .04)。 结论: aGVHD是HCMV病毒血症的危险因素。对HCMV DNA载量高的aGVHD受者应严格监测,防止HCMV激活。



来源期刊:Acta cytologica
作者列表:["Yu GH","Glaser LJ","Gustafson KS"]

METHODS::The cytologic evaluation of serous effusions may be challenging for a number of reasons. Distinction of benign, reactive conditions from malignancy represents the main focus when examining these specimens. The morphologic diagnosis of malignancy may be difficult due to the relative paucity of abnormal cells. In other situations, cellularity is not an issue, but the ability to confidently identify a second, foreign (i.e., tumor) population within a background mesothelial cells on the basis of cytomorphologic features alone may pose problems. Cases with definitive morphologic evidence of malignancy may require additional studies in order to determine the tumor subtype and, in the case of carcinoma, the primary site of origin. Cases in which a definitive and precise diagnosis of malignancy is made may be optimal candidates for further molecular testing in order to gain prognostic information and guide personal therapeutic decisions. Finally, while an inflammatory or infectious condition can be suggested on the basis of cellular components and associated background elements, the identification of causative agent(s) may be difficult without additional studies. In all of these situations, the use of ancillary studies and techniques is critical; their utility and appropriate application are the subject of this review.

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来源期刊:Laboratory medicine
作者列表:["Yang R","Zhang R","Zhang Y","Huang Y","Liang H","Gui G","Gong S","Wang H","Xu M","Fan J"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:To assess the rate of, and risk factors for, human cytomegalovirus viremia (HCMV) in donor+/recipient+ (HCMV serostatus matched) hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients. METHODS:HCMV DNA from 144 donor+/recipient+ HSCT recipients was examined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). RESULTS:The cumulative incidence of HCMV viremia was 69.4% (100/144) during the 48 weeks after HSCT. In a multivariate analysis, acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) was discovered to be a risk factor for the occurrence of HCMV viremia (P = .006). The cumulative incidence of HCMV viremia and increasing DNA loads were significantly associated with aGVHD occurrence (P = .001 for each). The occurrence of late-term HCMV viremia was associated with aGVHD (P = .001) and a higher DNA load during the first 12 weeks after HSCT (P = .04). CONCLUSIONS:aGVHD is a risk factor for HCMV viremia. Recipients with aGVHD who have a high HCMV DNA load should be strictly monitored to prevent HCMV activation.

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作者列表:["Charpentier E","Benichou E","Pagès A","Chauvin P","Fillaux J","Valentin A","Guegan H","Guemas E","Salabert AS","Armengol C","Menard S","Cassaing S","Berry A","Iriart X"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:Malaria is one of most common tropical diseases encountered in travellers and migrants. It requires an urgent and reliable diagnosis considering its potential severity. In this study, performance of five diagnostic assays were evaluated in a nonendemic region and compared prospectively to quantitative PCR (qPCR). METHODS:A prospective study was conducted at Toulouse Hospital from August 2017 to January 2018 and included all patients with initial Plasmodium screening. Thin and thick blood smears (TnS, TkS), quantitative buffy coat (QBC), rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and commercial loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) were independently performed on each blood sample and compared to our qPCR reference standard. RESULTS:The study encompassed 331 patients, mainly returning from Africa. qPCR detected 73 Plasmodium-positive samples (including 58 falciparum). Individually, LAMP had a 97.3% (71/73) sensitivity, far ahead of TnS (84.9%, 62/73), TkS (86.3%, 63/73), QBC (86.3%, 63/73) and RDT (86.3%, 63/73). RDT demonstrated a high sensitivity for falciparum (98.3%, 57/58) but missed all ovale, malariae and knowlesi infections. Specificity was excellent for all techniques (99.6-100%). The most sensitive diagnosis strategies were TnS + RDT (95.9%, 70/73), TnS + LAMP (97.3%, 71/73) and TnS + RDT + LAMP (100%, 73/73), about 10% higher than strategies using exclusively microscopy, TkS + TnS (87.7%, 64/73) or QBC + TnS (87.7%, 64/73). TnS remains necessary for Plasmodium species identification and quantification. Adding sequentially TnS only on LAMP-positive samples did not decrease TnS + LAMP strategy sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS:In nonendemic countries, the currently recommended microscopy-based strategies seem unsatisfactory for malaria diagnosis considering RDT and LAMP performance, two rapid and sensitive assays that require limited training.

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