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Functional Outcomes among a Cohort of Children in Northeastern Brazil Meeting Criteria for Follow-Up of Congenital Zika Virus Infection.


  • 影响因子:2.28
  • DOI:10.4269/ajtmh.19-0961
  • 作者列表:"Bertolli J","Attell JE","Rose C","Moore CA","Melo F","Staples JE","Kotzky K","Krishna N","Satterfield-Nash A","Pereira IO","Pessoa A","Smith DC","Santelli ACFES","Boyle CA","Peacock G
  • 发表时间:2020-05-01

:Following the large outbreak of Zika virus in the Western Hemisphere, many infants have been born with congenital Zika virus infection. It is important to describe the functional outcomes seen with congenital infections to allow for their recognition and appropriate interventions. We evaluated 120 children conceived during the 2015-2016 Zika virus outbreak in Paraíba, Brazil, who were approximately 24 months old, to assess functional outcomes. All children met either anthropometric criteria or laboratory criteria suggestive of possible congenital Zika virus infection. We collected results of previous medical evaluations, interviewed parents, and performed physical examinations and functional assessments, for example, the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE). We compared patterns of neurologic outcomes and developmental delay at age 24 months by whether children met anthropometric or laboratory criteria, or both. Among children meeting both criteria, 60% (26/43) were multiply affected (had severe motor impairment, severe developmental delay, and suboptimal HINE scores), compared with 5% (3/57) meeting only laboratory criteria and none (0/20) meeting only anthropometric criteria. Of the remaining 91 children, 49% (45) had developmental delay, with more severe delay seen in children meeting both criteria. Although children meeting physical and laboratory criteria for potential congenital Zika virus infection were more severely affected, we did identify several children with notable adverse neurologic outcomes and developmental delay with no physical findings but potential laboratory evidence of Zika virus infection. Given this, all children who were potentially exposed in utero to Zika virus should be monitored in early childhood for deficits to allow for early intervention.


: 在大爆发寨卡病毒在西半球,许多婴儿生来就有先天性寨卡病毒感染.重要的是描述先天性感染的功能结局,以便对其进行识别和适当的干预。我们评估了巴西para í ba 120-2015 寨卡病毒爆发期间受孕的 2016 名儿童,他们大约 24 个月,以评估功能结局。所有的孩子都见过人体测量学标准或实验室标准提示可能先天性寨卡病毒感染.我们收集了既往医学评估的结果,采访了父母,并进行了体格检查和功能评估,例如Hammersmith婴儿神经系统检查 (HINE)。我们通过儿童是否符合人体测量或实验室标准,或两者都符合,比较了 24 个月时神经系统结局和发育迟缓的模式。在符合这两个标准的儿童中,60% (26/43) 受到多重影响 (有严重的运动损伤、严重的发育迟缓和次优的HINE评分),而 5% (3/57) 仅满足实验室标准,无 (0/20) 仅满足人体测量标准。其余 91 名儿童中,49% 名 (45 名) 有发育迟缓,在符合两种标准的儿童中可见更严重的发育迟缓。尽管儿童会议物理实验室标准潜在先天性寨卡病毒感染的影响更为严重,我们确实确定了几个孩子明显不良神经结局和发育迟缓没有体格检查,但潜在的实验室证据寨卡病毒感染.鉴于此,应在儿童早期监测所有可能在子宫内暴露于寨卡病毒的儿童的缺陷,以便进行早期干预。



作者列表:["Peyroux E","Babinet MN","Cannarsa C","Madelaine C","Favre E","Demily C","Michael GA"]

METHODS::Impairments in social cognition have been frequently described in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) and are thought to be a hallmark of difficulties in social interactions. The present study addresses aspects that are critical for everyday social cognitive functioning but have received little attention so far. Sixteen children with 22q11.2DS and 22 controls completed 1 task of facial expression recognition, 1 task of attribution of facial expressions to faceless characters involved in visually presented social interactions, and 1 task of attribution of facial expressions to characters involved in aurally presented dialogues. All three tasks have in common to involve processing of emotions. All participants also completed two tasks of attention and two tasks of visual spatial perception, and their parents completed some scales regarding behavioural problems of their children. Patients performed worse than controls in all three tasks of emotion processing, and even worse in the second and third tasks. However, they performed above chance level in all three tasks, and the results were independent of IQ, age and gender. The analysis of error patterns suggests that patients tend to coarsely categorize situations as either attractive or repulsive and also that they have difficulties in differentiating emotions that are associated with threats. An isolated association between the tasks of emotion and behaviour was found, showing that the more frequently patients with 22q11.2DS perceive happiness where there is not, the less they exhibit aggressive behaviour.

作者列表:["Sheridan GA","Nagle M","Howells C","Gallagher O","Kiely PJ","O'Toole P","Kelly PM","Moore DP"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:We describe the first radiographic clinic in the literature for DDH and how this novel clinic can significantly improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of service in a tertiary referral centre. AIMS:A radiographic clinic for the management of developmental dysplasia of the hip was introduced in 2017 in our institution. We performed a detailed cost analysis to assess the economic savings made with the introduction of this new clinic. We assessed the efficiency of the service by identifying how many unnecessary outpatient visits were prevented. We also assessed the difference in times from referral to review between the two clinics. METHODS:Analysis of the clinic activity in 2017 was possible as all data was collected prospectively by the DDH CNS and stored in our database. Cost analysis was performed, and the savings made per patient along with the financial benefit to our institution was recorded. RESULTS:The new radiographic clinic reduced the cost of reviewing one patient by €162.51 per patient. There was a 73% discharge rate from the clinic which prevented 251 unnecessary patient visits to the outpatient department over the course of the year. There was a significant 11-day reduction in waiting times between referral and review when comparing the radiographic to the conventional clinic (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:A radiographic clinic for the management of developmental dysplasia of the hip has a significant effect on the efficiency and overall cost-effectiveness of service provision in a tertiary referral centre.

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作者列表:["Grigoryan G","Korcek L","Eidelman M","Paley D","Nelson S"]

METHODS:INTRODUCTION:Triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO) involves periacetabular osteotomies of the ilium, ischium, and pubis to reorient the acetabulum. This operation is indicated in certain situations for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip, dysplastic neuromuscular hips, and for containment of the femoral head in cases of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. METHODS:This retrospective cohort study compares radiographic outcomes of patients who underwent TPO using two different techniques and describes a novel single-incision direct lateral approach. TPO was performed on 22 patients by the senior author. The first 10 patients underwent TPO through a single-incision anterolateral approach. The last 12 patients underwent TPO using the direct lateral approach. Preoperative and postoperative pelvic radiographs were reviewed for each patient, and the migration index and center-edge angle were recorded. RESULTS:The migration index and center-edge angle were evaluated and were not found to be significantly different between the anterolateral and direct lateral groups. The direct lateral approach is described. CONCLUSION:The direct lateral approach for TPO is equivalent to the anterolateral approach on radiographic evaluation. Advantages of the direct lateral approach include direct visualization of the ischial osteotomy, effective mobilization of the acetabulum, and safety of the sciatic nerve.

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