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Outcomes of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation in Patients With Uncommon Etiology Cardiomyopathy.


  • 影响因子:2.86
  • DOI:10.1016/j.amjcard.2020.01.042
  • 作者列表:"Galand V","Flécher E","Chabanne C","Lelong B","Goéminne C","Vincentelli A","Delmas C","Dambrin C","Picard F","Sacher F","Kindo M","Minh TH","Gaudard P","Rouvière P","Sénage T","Michel M","Boignard A","Chavanon O","Verdonk C","Ghodhbane W","Pelcé E","Gariboldi V","Pozzi M","Obadia JF","Litzler PY","Anselme F","Babatasi G","Blanchart K","Garnier F","Bielefeld M","Hamon D","Lellouche N","Bourguignon T","Genet T","Eschalier R","D'Ostrevy N","Varlet E","Jouan J","Vanhuyse F","Blangy H","Leclercq C","Martins RP
  • 发表时间:2020-05-01

:The impact of uncommon etiology cardiomyopathies on Left-ventricular assist device (LVAD)-recipient outcomes is not very well known. This study aimed to characterize patients with uncommon cardiomyopathy etiologies and examine the outcomes between uncommon and ischemic/idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. This observational study was conducted in 19 centers between 2006 and 2016. Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with uncommon etiology were compared to patients with idiopathic dilated/ischemic cardiomyopathies. Among 652 LVAD-recipients included, a total of 590 (90.5%) patients were classified as ischemic/idiopathic and 62 (9.5%) patients were classified in the "uncommon etiologies" group. Main uncommon etiologies were: hypertrophic (n = 12(19%)); cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) (n = 12(19%)); myocarditis (n = 11(18%)); valvulopathy (n = 9(15%)) and others (n = 18(29%)). Patients with uncommon etiologies were significantly younger with more female and presented less co-morbidities. Additionally, patients with uncommon cardiomyopathies were less implanted as destination therapy compared with ischemic/idiopathic group (29% vs 38.8%). During a follow-up period of 9.1 months, both groups experienced similar survival. However, subgroup of hypertrophic/valvular cardiomyopathies and CTRCD had significantly higher mortality compared to the ischemic/idiopathic or myocarditis/others cardiomyopathies. Conversely, patients with myocarditis/others etiologies experienced a better survival. Indeed, the 12-months survival in the myocarditis/others; ischemic/idiopathic and hypertrophic/CTRCD/valvulopathy group were 77%; 65%, and 46% respectively. In conclusion, LVAD-recipients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease and CTRCD experienced the higher mortality rate.


: 罕见病因心肌病对左心室辅助装置 (LVAD) 受体结局的影响尚不十分清楚。本研究旨在描述不常见心肌病病因患者的特征,并检查不常见和缺血性/特发性扩张型心肌病之间的结局。这项观察性研究在2006年至2016年间在19个中心进行。将不常见病因患者的基线特征和结局与特发性扩张型/缺血性心肌病患者进行比较。在纳入的652例LVAD接受者中,共有590例 (90.5%) 患者被分类为缺血性/特发性,62例 (9.5%) 患者被分类为 “不常见病因” 组。主要少见病因依次为: 肥厚型 (n  =   12(19%) 号决议); 肿瘤治疗相关心功能障碍 (CTRCD) (n  =   12(19%) 号决议); 心肌炎 (n  =   11例 (18%)); 心瓣膜病 (n  =   9(15%) 号决议) 和其他 (n = 18(29%))。不常见病因的患者年龄明显较小,女性较多,合并疾病较少。此外,与缺血/特发性组相比,患有罕见心肌病的患者作为目标治疗的植入较少 (29% vs 38.8%)。在9.1个月的随访期间,两组经历了相似的生存。然而,与缺血性/特发性或心肌炎/其他心肌病相比,肥厚性/瓣膜性心肌病和CTRCD的亚组具有显著更高的死亡率。相反,患有心肌炎/其他病因的患者经历了更好的生存。事实上,心肌炎/其他; 缺血性/特发性和肥厚性/CTRCD/瓣膜病组的12个月生存率分别为77%; 65% 和46%。总之,患有肥厚型心肌病、瓣膜性心脏病和CTRCD的LVAD受者经历了较高的死亡率。



作者列表:["Cui H","Schaff HV","Abel MD","Helder MRK","Frye RL","Ommen SR","Nishimura RA"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:There has been debate on the importance and pathophysiologic effects of the dynamic subaortic pressure gradient in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. The study was conducted to elucidate the hemodynamic abnormalities associated with the dynamic pressure gradient in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. METHODS:Eight patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and 7 patients with valvular aortic stenosis underwent a detailed hemodynamic study of pressure flow relationships before and after myectomy or aortic valve replacement during operation. RESULTS:In aortic stenosis, the increased gradient after premature ventricular contraction was associated with an increase in peak flow (325 ± 122 mL/s to 428 ± 147 mL/s, P = .002) and stroke volume (75.0 ± 27.3 mL to 88.0 ± 24.0 mL, P = .004), but in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy peak flow remained unchanged (289 ± 79 mL/s to 299 ± 85 mL/s, P = .334) and stroke volume decreased (45.9 ± 18.7 mL to 38.4 ± 14.4 mL, P = .04) on the postpremature ventricular contraction beat. After myectomy, the capacity to augment stroke volume on the postpremature ventricular contraction beats was restored in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (45.6 ± 14.4 mL to 54.4 ± 11.8 mL, P = .002). CONCLUSIONS:The pressure flow relationship in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy supports the concept of true obstruction to outflow, with a low but continued flow during late systole, when the ventricular-aortic pressure gradient is the highest. Septal myectomy can abolish obstruction and restore the ability to augment stroke volume, which may explain the mechanism of symptomatic improvement after operation.

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作者列表:["Gülsaran SK","Baysal M","Demirci U","Baş V","Kirkizlar HO","Umit E","Demir AM"]

METHODS:INTRODUCTION:Ibrutinib, an oral inhibitor of Bruton's tyrosine kinase, has altered the treatment perspective of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and showed modest activity against several types of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. According to phase studies and real-world data, reported serious adverse effects included atrial fibrillation, diarrhea, and bleeding diathesis. However, heart failure was not reported to be a probable adverse effect linked with ibrutinib. CASE REPORT:In this paper, we present a 66-year-old female chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient who developed significant and symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction at the 13th month of ibrutinib treatment. MANAGEMENT AND OUTCOME:Following cessation of ibrutinib, ejection fraction and clinical findings of the left ventricular dysfunction alleviated. DISCUSSION:Although the use of ibrutinib is generally well tolerated, cardiac functions should be monitored occasionally in all patients.

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作者列表:["Ishigaki T","Shingu Y","Katoh N","Wakasa S","Katoh H","Ooka T","Kubota S","Matsui Y"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:The slope in the preload recruitable stroke work relationship is a highly linear, load-insensitive contractile parameter. However, the perioperative change of the slope has not been reported before. We examined the perioperative slope from a steady-state single beat in patients with functional mitral regurgitation and assessed the correlation with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels. METHODS:The study included 16 patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and refractory heart failure: 10 patients underwent mitral valve plasty and left ventricular plasty (MVP + LVP group) and 6 patients who underwent mitral valve replacement and papillary muscle tugging approximation (MVR + PMTA group). The left ventricular ejection fraction was assessed by the modified Simpson method; the slope was assessed by the single-beat technique using transthoracic echocardiography. BNP levels were measured by chemiluminescent immunoassay. RESULTS:The left ventricular ejection fraction and slope did not significantly change from pre- to early post-surgery in the MVP + LVP group. Both the left ventricular ejection fraction and slope significantly increased 6 months after surgery in the MVR + PMTA group. Postoperative BNP level was low in the MVR + PMTA group. While the postoperative left ventricular ejection fraction did not correlate with BNP levels, the postoperative slope significantly correlated with BNP level after surgery in the MVP + LVP group and in the total functional mitral regurgitation group. CONCLUSIONS:The change of slope was dependent on surgical procedures. In functional mitral regurgitation, the slope may be a more sensitive parameter in reflecting the left ventricular contractile function than the left ventricular ejection fraction.

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