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Current infection control practices used in Australian and New Zealand cystic fibrosis centers.


  • 影响因子:2.40
  • DOI:10.1186/s12890-020-1052-y
  • 作者列表:"Stockwell RE","Wood ME","Ballard E","Moore V","Wainwright CE","Bell SC
  • 发表时间:2020-01-17

BACKGROUND:The 2013 update of the Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) Guideline outlined recommendations to prevent the spread of CF respiratory pathogens. We aimed to investigate the current infection control practices used in Australian and New Zealand (NZ) CF centers. METHODS:Two online surveys were distributed to Australian and NZ CF centers regarding the uptake of selected IP&C recommendations. One survey was distributed to all the Medical Directors and Lead CF Nurses and the second survey was distributed to all the Lead CF Physiotherapists. RESULTS:The response rate was 60% (60/100) for medical/nursing and 58% (14/24) for physiotherapy. Over 90% (55/60) of CF centers followed CF-specific infection control guidelines and consistent infection control practices were seen in most CF centers; 76% (41/54) had implemented segregation strategies for ambulatory care and no CF centers housed people with CF in shared inpatient accommodation. However, the application of contact precautions (wearing gloves and apron/gown) by healthcare professionals when reviewing a CF person was variable between CF center respondents but was most often used when seeing CF persons with MRSA infection in both ambulatory care and hospital admission (20/50, 40% and 42/45, 93% of CF centers, respectively). Mask wearing by people with CF was implemented into 61% (36/59) of centers. Hospital rooms were cleaned daily in 79% (37/47) of CF centers and the ambulatory care consult rooms were always cleaned between consults (49/49, 100%) and at the end of the clinic session (51/51, 100%); however the staff member tasked with cleaning changed with 37% (18/49) of CF centers responding that CF multidisciplinary team (MDT) members cleaned between patients whereas at the end of the clinic session, only 12% (6/51) of the CF MDT cleaned the consult room. CONCLUSIONS:Overall, Australian and NZ CF centers have adopted many recommendations from the IP&C. Although, the application of contact precautions was inconsistent and had overall a low level of adoption in CF centers. In ~ 25% of centers, mixed waiting areas occurred in the ambulatory care. Given the variability of responses, additional work is required to achieve greater consistency between centers.


背景: 感染预防与控制 (IP & C) 指南的 2013 更新概述了预防 CF 呼吸道病原体传播的建议。我们旨在调查澳大利亚和新西兰 (NZ) CF 中心目前使用的感染控制实践。 方法: 向澳大利亚和 NZ CF 中心分发了两份关于所选 IP & C 建议摄取的在线调查。向所有医务主任和首席 CF 护士发放 1 份调查,向所有首席 CF 理疗师发放 2 份调查。 结果: 医疗/护理的应答率为 60% (60/100),理疗的应答率为 58% (14/24)。超过 90% (55/60) 的 CF 中心遵循 CF 特异性感染控制指南,在大多数 CF 中心看到一致的感染控制实践; 76% (41/54) 已经实施了门诊护理隔离策略,没有 CF 中心将 CF 患者安置在共享住院住宿中。然而,接触注意事项的应用 (戴手套和围裙/礼服) 医疗保健专业人员在审查 CF 时,CF 中心受访者之间是可变的,但最常用于在门诊和入院时看到 CF 患者 MRSA 感染 (20/50,40% 和 42/45, 93% 的 CF 中心,分别)。61% (36/59) 的中心实施了 CF 患者戴口罩。79% (37/47) 的 CF 中心每天打扫病房,门诊会诊室总是在会诊之间 (49/49,100%) 和门诊结束时 (51/51, 100%); 然而,负责清洁的工作人员以 37% (18/49) 的比例发生了变化在响应 CF 多学科团队 (MDT) 成员在患者之间清洁的 CF 中心中,而在门诊会议结束时,只有 12% (6/51) 的 CF MDT 清洁了咨询室。 结论: 总体而言,澳大利亚和 NZ CF 中心采纳了 IP & C 的许多建议。虽然,接触预防措施的应用不一致,并且在 CF 中心的总体采用水平较低。在 ~ 25% 的中心,混合等候区发生在门诊护理中。鉴于响应的可变性,需要额外的工作来实现中心之间更大的一致性。



作者列表:["Vadillo C","Nieto MA","Romero-Bueno F","Leon L","Sanchez-Pernaute O","Rodriguez-Nieto MJ","Freites D","Jover JA","Álvarez-Sala JL","Abasolo L"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:To asses the clinical course in RA-related interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD) patients with and without rituximab (RTX). The influence of other variables was also evaluated. METHODS:A longitudinal multicentre study was conducted in RA diagnosed with ILD from 2007 until 2018 in Madrid. Patients were included in a registry [pNEumology RhEumatology Autoinmune diseases (NEREA)] from the time of ILD diagnosis. The main endpoint was functional respiratory impairment (FI), when there was a decline ≥5% in the predicted forced vital capacity compared with the previous one. Pulmonary function was measured at baseline and in follow-up visits every 6-12 months. The independent variable was therapy with RTX. Covariables included sociodemographic, clinical, radiological and other therapies. Survival techniques were used to estimate the incidence rate (IR) and 95% CI of functional impairment, expressed per 100 patient-semesters. Cox multivariate regression models were run to examine the influence of RTX and other covariates on FI. Results were expressed as the hazard ratio (HR) and CI. RESULTS:A total of 68 patients were included. FI occurred in 42 patients [IR 23.5 (95% CI 19, 29.1)] and 50% of them had FI within 1.75 years of an ILD diagnosis. A multivariate analysis showed that RTX exposure resulted in a lower risk of FI compared with non-exposure [HR 0.51 (95% CI 0.31, 0.85)]. Interstitial pneumonia, glucocorticoids, disease activity and duration also influenced FI. CONCLUSION:RA-ILD patients deteriorate over time, with the median time free of impairment being <2 years. Patients exposed to RTX had a higher probability of remaining free of FI compared with other therapies. Other factors have also been identified. Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial lung disease, observational study, rituximab and prognosis

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作者列表:["Shibaki, Ryota","Murakami, Shuji","Matsumoto, Yuji","Yoshida, Tatsuya","Goto, Yasushi","Kanda, Shintaro","Horinouchi, Hidehito","Fujiwara, Yutaka","Yamamoto, Nobuyuki","Kusumoto, Masahiko","Yamamoto, Noboru","Ohe, Yuichiro"]

METHODS:The safety of anti-programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) antibody for patients with preexisting interstitial lung disease (ILD) remains unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dependence of preexisting ILD on anti-PD-1 antibody-induced pneumonitis in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. We retrospectively reviewed the association of preexisting ILD with the incidence, radiographic pattern, and outcome of pneumonitis in NSCLC patients receiving anti-PD-1 antibody. A total of 331 patients were included in this study. Of these patients, 17 had preexisting ILD. The incidence of pneumonitis was higher among the patients with preexisting ILD than among those without preexisting ILD (29% vs. 10%, P  = 0.027). The distributions of the CT appearances at the onset of anti-PD-1 antibody-induced pneumonitis were as follows: for the patients with preexisting ILD, two patients (40%) had diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), one patient each with organizing pneumonia-like (OP), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), and other patterns (20% each); for the patients without preexisting ILD, 19 patients (61%) had OP, 8 (26%) had HP, 3 (10%) had DAD, and 1 (3.2%) had other patterns. The median onset time from the initiation of anti-PD-1 antibody treatment until the development of pneumonitis was 1.3 months (range 0.3–2.1 months) for the patients with preexisting ILD and 2.3 months (range 0.2–14.6 months) for the patients without preexisting ILD. Careful attention to the development of pneumonitis is needed, especially within the first 3 months after the start of anti-PD-1 antibody treatment, when using anti-PD-1 antibody to treat patients with preexisting ILD.

关键词: 暂无
翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
来源期刊:New biotechnology
作者列表:["Sousa SA","Soares-Castro P","Seixas AMM","Feliciano JR","Balugas B","Barreto C","Pereira L","Santos PM","Leitão JH"]

METHODS::Bacteria of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) are ubiquitous multidrug resistant organisms and opportunistic pathogens capable of causing life threatening lung infections among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. No effective therapies are currently available to eradicate Bcc bacteria from CF patients, as these organisms are inherently resistant to the majority of clinically available antimicrobials. An immunoproteomics approach was used to identify Bcc proteins that stimulate the humoral immune response of the CF host, using bacterial cells grown under conditions mimicking the CF lung environment and serum samples from CF patients with a clinical record of Bcc infection. 24 proteins of the Bcc strain B. cenocepacia J2315 were identified as immunoreactive, 19 here reported as immunogenic for the first time. Ten proteins were predicted as extracytoplasmic, 9 of them being conserved in Bcc genomes. The immunogenic Bcc extracytoplasmic proteins are potential targets for development of novel therapeutic strategies and diagnostic tools to protect patients against the onset of chronic Bcc lung infections.



