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The significance of serum thyroglobulin measurement before and after the treatment of toxic nodular goiter with 131I.

131I 治疗毒性结节性甲状腺肿前后血清甲状腺球蛋白测定的意义

  • 影响因子:1.37
  • DOI:10.1097/MNM.0000000000001153
  • 作者列表:"Bonefačić B","Crnčić TB","Tomaš MI","Girotto N","Ivanković SG
  • 发表时间:2020-01-21

OBJECTIVES:Thyroglobulin is routinely used as a tumor marker in follow up of patients with thyroid carcinoma, but is also elevated in patients with toxic nodular goiter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of thyroglobulin measurement prior to and after the radioiodine therapy (RIT) in patients with toxic nodular goiter and to compare the results with the therapy outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS:In 109 patients with toxic nodular goiter (102 females, 7 males, aged 45-85 years), 61 with multinodular toxic goiter and 48 with toxic adenoma, thyroglobulin level was measured before RIT and during the first 12 months after the treatment and compared to therapy outcome, defined as euthyroid, hypothyroid and persistent hyperthyroidism. RESULTS:In patients with euthyroid and hypothyroid outcome, a significant fall of thyroglobulin level was noted during the first 12 months after RIT, more prominent in the latter group. In patients with persistent hyperthyroidism, the initial thyroglobulin level was higher than in other two groups and no significant decrease was noted by the end of the first year after therapy, especially in patients with multinodular toxic goiter. CONCLUSIONS:The significant fall of thyroglobulin after RIT observed in patients in whom euthyroidism and hypothyroidism was achieved indicates that thyroglobulin values can be related to the treatment outcome. In patients with high initial thyroglobulin levels (above 400 ng/l), and possible unfavorable RIT outcome, higher radioiodine activities or other treatment options might be considered.Video abstract: http:/links.lww.com/NMC/A163.


目的: 甲状腺球蛋白在甲状腺癌患者的随访中常规用作肿瘤标志物,但在毒性结节性甲状腺肿患者中也会升高。本研究的目的是评价放射性碘治疗 (RIT) 前后甲状腺球蛋白测定在毒性结节性甲状腺肿患者中的作用,并将结果与治疗结果进行比较。 患者与方法: 在 109 例毒性结节性甲状腺肿患者中 (女 102 例,男 7 例,年龄 45-85 岁),61 例多结节毒性甲状腺肿,48 例中毒性腺瘤, 在 RIT 前和治疗后 12 个月内测定甲状腺球蛋白水平,并与治疗结果进行比较,定义为甲状腺功能正常、甲状腺功能减退和持续性甲状腺功能亢进。 结果: 在甲状腺功能正常和甲状腺功能减退的患者中,在 RIT 后的前 12 个月内,甲状腺球蛋白水平显著下降,后者更为突出。在持续性甲亢患者中,初始甲状腺球蛋白水平高于其他两组,治疗后第一年未观察到明显下降。尤其是多结节性毒性甲状腺肿患者。 结论: 在甲状腺功能正常和甲减患者中观察到的 RIT 后甲状腺球蛋白显著下降表明甲状腺球蛋白值可能与治疗结果相关。对于初始甲状腺球蛋白水平较高的患者 (高于 400 ng/l),以及可能不利的 RIT 结局,可以考虑更高的放射性碘活性或其他治疗选择。视频摘要: http:/links.lww.com/NMC/ a163



作者列表:["Travaglino A","Pace M","Varricchio S","Insabato L","Giordano C","Picardi M","Pane F","Staibano S","Mascolo M"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:To assess the prevalence of Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) in primary thyroid lymphoma (PTL) and whether it differs between mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). METHODS:Electronic databases were searched for studies assessing HT prevalence in PTL, based on antithyroid antibodies, clinical history, or pathology. Pooled prevalence of HT and its association with histotype (MALT or DLBCL) were calculated. RESULTS:Thirty-eight studies with 1,346 PTLs were included. Pooled prevalence results were 78.9% (any HT evidence), 65.3% (antithyroid antibodies), 41.7% (clinical history), and 64% (pathology). HT prevalence was significantly higher in MALT lymphoma than in DLBCL (P = .007) and in mixed DLBCL/MALT than in pure DLBCL (P = .002). CONCLUSIONS:Overall, 78.9% of patients with PTL have any HT evidence, but only half of these had been clinically followed. The difference in HT prevalence suggests that a subset of DLBCL may not derive from MALT lymphoma.

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作者列表:["Lee, Inhwa","Kim, Hyeung Kyoo","Soh, Euy Young","Lee, Jeonghun"]

METHODS:Background Whether chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT) influences the risk of development and the progression of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) remains uncertain. We investigated the effects of CLT on the clinicopathologic features and prognosis of PTC. Methods Two thousand nine hundred twenty-eight consecutive patients with PTC treated between 2009 and 2017 were divided into two groups: one with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and one without; 1174 (40%) of the patients had coincident CLT. Results In univariate analysis, CLT correlated positively with small tumor size, frequent extrathyroidal extension, multifocal diseases, and p53 but negatively with central lymph node (LN) metastasis and BRAF mutation. In multivariate analysis, CLT was associated with extrathyroidal extension and multifocal disease; however, it was not a prognostic factor for recurrence even though it was associated with two aggressive factors. Compared with patients with PTC alone, there were more retrieved central LNs in the PTC + CLT group, and these patients also underwent more invasive diagnostic tests such as fine needle aspiration cytology and frozen biopsy of LN. Conclusions The CLT patients with PTC had better behavior features and prognoses than did those with PTC alone despite frequent multifocality and extrathyroidal extension. However, precaution may be necessary to avoid performing invasive diagnostic procedures for lateral LN metastasis and to manage the patients appropriately.

关键词: 暂无
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作者列表:["Zhang Z","Xu T","Qin W","Huang B","Chen W","Li S","Li J"]

METHODS::PTPN2 is one of the members of the protein Tyrosine Phosphatases (PTPs) family. To explore the promotive effect of upregulated PTPN2 induced by inflammatory response or oxidative stress on the progression of thyroid cancer. PTPN2 level in thyroid cancer tissues and cell lines was detected. Kaplan-Meier method was applied for evaluating the prognostic value of PTPN2 in thyroid cancer patients. After stimulation of inflammatory response (treatment of IFN-γ and TNF-α), or oxidative stress (treatment of H2O2), protein level of PTPN2 in K1 cells was measured by Western blot. Regulatory effects of PTPN2 on EdU-positive staining and Ki-67 positive cell ratio in K1 cells either with H2O2 stimulation or not were determined. PTPN2 was upregulated in thyroid cancer tissues and cell lines. Its level was higher in metastatic thyroid cancer patients than those of non-metastatic ones. High level of PTPN2 predicted worse prognosis of thyroid cancer. Treatment of either IFN-γ or TNF-α upregulated protein level of PTPN2 in K1 cells. Meanwhile, H2O2 stimulation upregulated PTPN2, which was reversed by NAC administration. With the stimulation of increased doses of H2O2, EdU-positive staining and Ki-67 positive cell ratio were dose-dependently elevated. Silence of PTPN2 attenuated proliferative ability and Ki-67 expression in K1 cells either with H2O2 stimulation or not. Inflammatory response or oxidative stress induces upregulation of PTPN2, thus promoting the progression of thyroid cancer.

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