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Prevalence of lifetime eating disorders in infertile women seeking pregnancy with pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone therapy.


  • 影响因子:2.32
  • DOI:10.1007/s40519-020-00893-9
  • 作者列表:"Barbosa-Magalhaes I","Corcos M","Galey J","Perdigao-Cotta S","Papastathi C","de Crecy M","Nicolas I","Lamas C","Christin-Maître S","Pham-Scottez A
  • 发表时间:2020-04-01

OBJECTIVES:Relationships between weight and fertility are well known. The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of lifetime eating disorder (ED) in a sample of infertile women seeking a specific infertility treatment, pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (pGnRH) treatment, and to compare it to the prevalence of lifetime ED in a sample of infertile women seeking other types of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments. DESIGN:Non-randomized, observational study including infertile female patients. Two-group design including consecutive women treated with GnRH pump (pGnRH) or with other types of ART. SETTING:Multi-centric infertility centers, France METHODS: Twenty one consecutive women treated with pGnRH treatment were compared to 21 consecutive women receiving other types of infertility treatment. Diagnosis of ED was based on DSM-IV and the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). RESULTS:Twenty patients (95.2%) from the sample of women treated with pulsatile GnRH treatment and 5 patients (23.8%) from the patients receiving other types of infertility treatment met the criteria of lifetime ED diagnosis (p < 0.000). CONCLUSION:This study highlights the fact that the prevalence of ED is considerably higher in women receiving GnRH pulsatile treatment, when compared to women receiving other kinds of infertility treatment. In our study population ED were under-diagnosed, particularly in women receiving pulsatile GnRH treatment. Fertility clinicians should use reliable diagnostic tools to identify promptly ED in women presenting with hypothalamic amenorrhea and difficulties in conceiving. Level III: Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies.


目的: 体重和生育能力之间的关系是众所周知的。本研究的目的是评估在寻求特定不孕治疗的不孕妇女样本中终生进食障碍 (ED) 的患病率,脉冲促性腺激素释放激素 (pGnRH) 治疗,并将其与寻求其他类型辅助生殖技术 (ART) 治疗的不孕妇女样本中终生 ED 的患病率进行比较。 设计: 包括不孕女性患者的非随机、观察性研究。两组设计,包括接受 GnRH 泵 (pGnRH) 或其他类型 ART 治疗的连续妇女。 单位: 法国多中心不孕不育中心方法: 21 例接受 pGnRH 治疗的连续妇女与 21 例接受其他类型不孕治疗的连续妇女进行比较。ED 的诊断基于 DSM-IV 和复合国际诊断访谈 (CIDI)。 结果: 20 例患者 (95.2%) 来自接受脉冲式 GnRH 治疗的女性样本,5 例患者 (23.8%) 接受其他类型不孕症治疗的患者符合终身 ED 诊断标准 (p <0.000)。 结论: 本研究强调了接受 GnRH 脉冲治疗的妇女与接受其他不孕治疗的妇女相比,ED 的患病率相当高。在我们的研究人群中,ED 诊断不足,尤其是接受脉冲式 GnRH 治疗的女性。生育力临床医生应使用可靠的诊断工具,在出现下丘脑闭经和受孕困难的女性中及时识别 ED。III 级: 从精心设计的队列或病例对照分析研究中获得的证据。



作者列表:["He Y","Zheng H","Du H","Liu J","Li L","Liu H","Cao M","Chen S"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) has a negative effect on the endometrial receptivity compared with natural menstrual cycle. Whether it's necessary to postpone the first frozen embryo transfer (FET) following a freeze-all strategy in order to avoid any residual effect on endometrial receptivity consequent to COS was inconclusive. OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this retrospective study was to explore whether the delayed FET improve the live birth rate and neonatal outcomes stratified by COS protocols after a freeze-all strategy. METHODS:A total of 4404 patients who underwent the first FET cycle were enrolled in this study between April 2014 to December 2017, and were divided into immediate (within the first menstrual cycle following withdrawal bleeding) or delayed FET (waiting for at least one menstrual cycle and the transferred embryos were cryopreserved for less than 6 months). Furthermore, each group was further divided into two subgroups according to COS protocols, and the pregnancy and neonatal outcomes were analyzed between the immediate and delayed FET following the same COS protocol. RESULTS:When FET cycles following the same COS protocol, there was no significant difference regarding the rates of live birth, implantation, clinical pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, early miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth between immediate and delayed FET groups. Similarly, no significant differences were found for the mean gestational age, the mean birth weight, and rates of low birth weight and very low birth weight between the immediate and delayed FET groups. The sex ratio (male/female) and the congenital anomalies rate also did not differ significantly between the two FET groups stratified by COS protocols. CONCLUSION:Regardless of COS protocols, FET could be performed immediately after a freeze-all strategy for delaying FET failed to improve reproductive and neonatal outcomes.

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作者列表:["Li T","Zhu W","Liu G","Fang C","Quan S"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of oral diosmin on the incidence and severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and explore the value of diosmin in preventing and treating OHSS. METHOD:A retrospective study of women attending a reproductive center in Guangzhou, China, between September and December 2016. The inclusion criterion was previous cancellation of embryo transfer after oocyte retrieval during IVF owing to a high risk of OHSS. The women were divided into two groups depending on whether they received oral diosmin (1000 mg twice daily for 10 days) after oocyte retrieval (diosmin group) or not (control group). Apart from diosmin, both groups underwent the same treatment. Baseline information and data related to OHSS were compared. RESULTS:Overall, 146 women were included: 74 in the diosmin group and 72 in the control group. The incidence of moderate-to-severe OHSS in the diosmin and control groups was 5/74 (6.2%) and 14/72 (13.4%), respectively (P=0.027). The control group included four cases of paracentesis due to ascites; there were no cases of paracentesis or severe OHSS in the diosmin group. CONCLUSION:Oral administration of diosmin effectively reduced both the incidence of moderate-to-severe OHSS and the severity of OHSS among high-risk women.

作者列表:["Tsai HW","Wang PH","Hsu PT","Chen SN","Lin LT","Li CJ","Tsui KH"]

METHODS::Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) remains a clinical dilemma. Helium-Neon (He-Ne) laser irradiation has recently become more popular under certain clinical conditions. Given the unique therapeutic effects, we were interested in determining whether pretreatment with He-Ne laser irradiation prior to frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) would improve the microcirculation and cause the release of growth factors and cytokines, thus improving endometrial receptivity and the clinical pregnancy rates. Patients chose for themselves whether to proceed with (n = 29) or without (n = 31) pretreatment with He-Ne laser irradiation prior to FET. The clinical pregnancy rate (37.9%) and implantation rate (20.3%) were higher in the laser-treatment group than in the control group (35.5% and 15.9%, respectively, p = .844 and .518, respectively). The live birth rate was higher in the laser-treatment group (27.6% vs. 25.8%, respectively, p = .876) and the miscarriage rate was lower in the laser-treatment group (18.2% and 27.3%, respectively, p = .611). No side effects or complications from laser irradiation were encountered in patients who received the laser treatment. We concluded that pretreatment with He-Ne laser prior to FET may be an alternative choice for RIF-affected women; however, additional well-designed prospective studies are necessary to determine the precise clinical value of this treatment.

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