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Demographic and clinical profile of cardioembolic stroke patients in Western Sydney.


  • 影响因子:1.21
  • DOI:10.1111/imj.14416
  • 作者列表:"Ferkh A","O'Keefe E","Zada M","Brown P","Duggins A","Thiagalingam A","Altman M","Byth K","Kizana E","Denniss AR","Thomas L
  • 发表时间:2020-06-01

BACKGROUND:Cardioembolism (CE) contributes to a large proportion of ischaemic stroke. AIMS:To evaluate the demographic and clinical profile of CE stroke in Western Sydney. METHODS:A retrospective analysis of ischaemic stroke patients presenting to Westmead Hospital (January-October 2016) was performed. Strokes were classified by TOAST (Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment) criteria into different categories. Clinical and demographic data were collected on all stroke patients, and differences between CE and other stroke causes were identified. RESULTS:Two hundred and twenty-eight consecutive patients (70.9 years; 53% male) were identified. By TOAST criteria, 21 (9%) had large-artery atherosclerosis, 94 (41%) CE, 10 (5%) small-vessel disease, 2 (1%) other aetiology and 101 (44%) undetermined aetiology. A significant proportion of CE stroke patients had cardiovascular risk factors including hypertension (66%), hypercholesterolaemia (50%), diabetes (26%) and ischaemic heart disease (28%). The majority (81%) of patients with CE had atrial flutter/flutter. CE stroke, compared with other types of stroke, was more common in females (56 vs 41%, P = 0.022) and patients with CE stroke were more likely to have previous cerebral ischaemia (34 vs 21%, P = 0.026), suggesting increased recurrence in this group. Of the patients with atrial flutter/flutter (n = 56), the majority (87%) had a high CHA2 DS2 -VASC score (≥2); however, a significant proportion (55.4%) were not on anticoagulation. CONCLUSIONS:Cardioembolic stroke remains a significant burden in Western Sydney, and it is likely that a significant proportion may be preventable, as evidenced by the substantial presence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, and inadequate anticoagulation of patients with atrial arrhythmias.


背景: 心源性栓塞 (CE) 导致了很大一部分缺血性卒中。 目的: 评估西悉尼 CE 卒中的人口统计学和临床特征。 方法: 回顾性分析在 Westmead 医院就诊的缺血性卒中患者 (2016 年 1-10 月)。根据 TOAST (Org 10172 急性卒中治疗试验) 标准将卒中分为不同类别。收集所有卒中患者的临床和人口统计学数据,并确定 CE 与其他卒中原因之间的差异。 结果: 确定了 70.9 例连续患者 (53% 岁; 为男性)。根据 TOAST 标准,大动脉粥样硬化 21 例 (9%),CE 94 例 (41%),小血管病 10 例 (5%),其他病因 2 例 (1%),101 例 (44%) 未确定的病因。相当比例的 CE 卒中患者有心血管危险因素,包括高血压 (66%) 、高胆固醇血症 (50%) 、糖尿病 (26%) 和缺血性心脏病 (28%)。大多数 (81%) CE 患者有心房扑动/心房扑动。与其他类型的卒中相比,CE 卒中更常见于女性 (56 vs 41%,P = 0.022) CE 卒中患者更有可能存在既往脑缺血 (34 vs 21%,P = 0.026),提示该组复发增加。心房扑动/心房扑动患者 (n = 56) 中,大多数 (87%) 具有较高的 CHA2 ds2-vasc 评分 (≥ 2); 然而,显著比例 (55.4%) 没有抗凝治疗。 结论: 在西悉尼,心源性中风仍然是一个重要的负担,很可能有很大一部分是可以预防的,因为大量存在可改变的心血管危险因素证明了这一点,房性心律失常患者抗凝不足。



作者列表:["Berte B","Hilfiker G","Moccetti F","Schefer T","Weberndörfer V","Cuculi F","Toggweiler S","Ruschitzka F","Kobza R"]

METHODS:AIMS:Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) using ablation index (AI) incorporates stability, contact force (CF), time, and power. The CLOSE protocol combines AI and ≤6 mm interlesion distance. Safety concerns are raised about surround flow ablation catheters (STSF). To compare safety and effectiveness of an atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation strategy using AI vs. CLOSE protocol using STSF.,METHODS AND RESULTS:First cluster was treated using AI and second cluster using CLOSE. Procedural data, safety, and recurrence of any atrial tachycardia (AT) or AF >30 s were collected prospectively. All Classes 1c and III anti-arrhythmic drugs (AAD) were stopped after the blanking period. In total, all 215 consecutive patients [AI: 121 (paroxysmal: n = 97), CLOSE: n = 94 (paroxysmal: n = 74)] were included. Pulmonary vein isolation was reached in all in similar procedure duration (CLOSE: 107 ± 25 vs. AI: 102 ± 24 min; P = 0.1) and similar radiofrequency time (CLOSE: 36 ± 11 vs. AI: 37 ± 8 min; P = 0.4) but first pass isolation was higher in CLOSE vs. AI [left veins: 90% vs. 80%; P < 0.05 and right veins: 84% vs. 73%; P < 0.05]. Twelve-month off-AAD freedom of AF/AT was higher in CLOSE vs. AI [79% (paroxysmal: 85%) vs. 64% (paroxysmal: 68%); P < 0.05]. Only four patients (2%) without recurrence were on AAD during follow-up. Major complications were similar (CLOSE: 2.1% vs. AI: 2.5%; P = 0.87).,CONCLUSION:The CLOSE protocol is more effective than a PVI approach solely using AI, especially in paroxysmal AF. In this off-AAD study, 79% of patients were free from AF/AT during 12-month follow-up. The STSF catheter appears to be safe using conventional CLOSE targets.

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作者列表:["Qin M","Jiang WF","Wu SH","Xu K","Liu X"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:To investigate the role of driver mechanism and the effect of electrogram dispersion-guided driver mapping and ablation in atrial fibrillation (AF) at different stages of progression.,METHODS:A total of 256 consecutive patients with AF who had undergone pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) plus driver ablation or conventional ablation were divided into three groups: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF; group A, n = 51); persistent atrial fibrillation (PsAF; group B, n = 38); and long standing-persistent atrial fibrillation (LS-PsAF; group C, n = 39). PVI was performed with the guidance of the ablation index. The electrogram dispersion was analyzed for driver mapping.,RESULTS:The most prominent driver regions were at roof (28.0%), posterior wall (17.6%), and bottom (21.3%). From patients with PAF to those with PsAF and LS-PsAF: the complexity of extra-pulmonary vein (PV) drivers including distribution, mean number, and area of dispersion region increased (P < .001). Patients who underwent driver ablation vs conventional ablation had higher procedural AF termination rate (76.6% vs 28.1%; P < .001). With AF progression, the termination rate gradually decreased from group A to group C, and the role of PVI in AF termination was also gradually weakened from group A to group C (39.6%, 7.4%, and 4.3%; P < .001) in patients with driver ablation. At the end of the follow-up, the rate of sinus rhythm maintenance was higher in patients with driver ablation than those with conventional ablation (89.1% vs 70.3%; P < .001).,CONCLUSION:The formation of extra-PV drivers provides an important mechanism for AF maintenance with their complexity increasing with AF progression. Electrogram dispersion-guided driver ablation appears to be an efficient adjunctive approach to PVI for AF treatment.

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作者列表:["Takamiya T","Nitta J","Inaba O","Sato A","Ikenouchi T","Murata K","Inamura Y","Takahashi Y","Goya M","Hirao K"]

METHODS:PURPOSE:Whether or not pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) plus left atrial posterior wall isolation (PWI) using contact force (CF) sensing improves the ablation outcome for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is unclear. This study compared the outcome of PVI plus PWI and additional non-PV trigger ablation for persistent AF with/without CF sensing. METHODS:This retrospective cohort study analyzed 148 propensity score-matched persistent AF patients (median duration of persistent AF, 8 months (interquartile range, 3-24 months); left atrial diameter, 43 ± 7 mm) undergoing PVI plus PWI and ablation of non-PV triggers provoked by high-dose isoproterenol, including 74 with CF-sensing catheters (CF group) and 74 with conventional catheters (non-CF group). PVI plus PWI with no additional ablation but cavotricuspid isthmus ablation was performed without non-PV triggers in 48 CF patients (65%) and 54 non-CF patients (73%) (P = 0.38). In all other patients, we performed additional ablation of provoked non-PV triggers. RESULTS:The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the rate of freedom from atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence of antiarrhythmic drugs at 12 months after the single procedure was higher in the CF group than in the non-CF group (85 vs. 70%, log-rank P = 0.030). A multivariable analysis revealed that using CF sensing and non-inducibility of AF from a non-PV trigger after PVI and PWI were significantly associated with a reduced rate of atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence. CONCLUSIONS:Compared with non-CF sensing, PVI plus PWI and additional non-PV trigger ablation using CF-sensing catheters for persistent AF can reduce the rate of atrial tachyarrhythmia recurrence.

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