
原发性创伤性肩关节前脱位后巨大移位前肩胛盂缘骨折非手术治疗后解剖愈合 1 例
Abstract Background Large, displaced anterior glenoid rim fractures after primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation are usually managed by surgical stabilization. Although there is little evidence supporting surgical management, it is often preferred over non-operative treatment. This case report describes non-operative management of such large, displaced anterior glenoid rim fracture with CT- and MRI-based documentation of anatomical healing of the fracture fragment, a finding that has not been described previously. Case presentation This case report describes a 49-year-old male, right-hand dominant, carpenter, who had a left-sided primary anterior shoulder dislocation after a fall while skiing. Initial plain radiographs showed a reduced glenohumeral joint with a large, displaced anterior glenoid rim fracture. CT-evaluation showed a centered humeral head, and as per our institutional protocol, non-operative management was initiated. Longitudinal radiographic assessment at 2 weeks, 4.5 months and 12 months showed reduction of the initially severely displaced fracture fragment. MRI- and CT-evaluation after 12 months confirmed anatomical healing of the fragment. At final follow-up, the patient was highly satisfied, although the healing process was complicated by posttraumatic frozen shoulder, which has had almost fully resolved after 12 months. Conclusions Given that the glenohumeral joint is concentrically reduced, large (displaced) anterior glenoid rim fractures after traumatic primary shoulder dislocation can be successfully treated non-operatively, with the potential of anatomical fracture fragment healing. Therefore, it remains subject to conservative treatment at our institution and surgical stabilization is reserved for patients with a decentered humeral head or persistent glenohumeral instability.
文摘背景原发性创伤性肩关节前脱位后大的、移位的前盂缘骨折通常采用手术稳定治疗。虽然很少有证据支持手术治疗,但它往往比非手术治疗更受欢迎。本病例报告描述了对这种大的、移位的前关节盂缘骨折的非手术治疗,采用基于 CT 和 MRI 的骨折碎片解剖愈合文件,以前没有描述过的发现。病例报告本病例报告描述了一名 49 岁男性,右手占优势,carpenter,滑雪时摔倒后出现左侧原发性肩关节前脱位。最初的平片显示盂肱关节缩小,有一个大的、移位的前关节盂缘骨折。CT 评估显示肱骨头居中,根据我们的机构方案,开始非手术治疗。2 周、 4.5 个月和 12 个月的纵向影像学评估显示最初严重移位的骨折碎片复位。12 个月后的 MRI 和 CT 评估证实了碎片的解剖愈合。在最后的随访中,患者非常满意,尽管创伤后冻结肩的愈合过程很复杂,12 个月后几乎完全消退。结论鉴于盂肱关节同心复位,外伤性原发性肩关节脱位后大 (移位) 前盂缘骨折可非手术治疗成功,具有解剖骨折碎片愈合的潜力。因此,在我们的机构仍然需要保守治疗,对于肱骨头发育不良或持续性盂肱关节不稳的患者保留手术稳定。
METHODS::A major challenge in translating findings from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to biological mechanisms is pinpointing functional variants because only a very small percentage of variants associated with a given trait actually impact the trait. We used an extensive epigenetics, transcriptomics, and genetics analysis of the TBX15/WARS2 neighbourhood to prioritize this region's best-candidate causal variants for the genetic risk of osteoporosis (estimated bone density, eBMD) and obesity (waist-hip ratio or waist circumference adjusted for body mass index). TBX15 encodes a transcription factor that is important in bone development and adipose biology. Manual curation of 692 GWAS-derived variants gave eight strong candidates for causal SNPs that modulate TBX15 transcription in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) or osteoblasts, which highly and specifically express this gene. None of these SNPs were prioritized by Bayesian fine-mapping. The eight regulatory causal SNPs were in enhancer or promoter chromatin seen preferentially in SAT or osteoblasts at TBX15 intron-1 or upstream. They overlap strongly predicted, allele-specific transcription factor binding sites. Our analysis suggests that these SNPs act independently of two missense SNPs in TBX15. Remarkably, five of the regulatory SNPs were associated with eBMD and obesity and had the same trait-increasing allele for both. We found that WARS2 obesity-related SNPs can be ascribed to high linkage disequilibrium with TBX15 intron-1 SNPs. Our findings from GWAS index, proxy, and imputed SNPs suggest that a few SNPs, including three in a 0.7-kb cluster, act as causal regulatory variants to fine-tune TBX15 expression and, thereby, affect both obesity and osteoporosis risk.
METHODS:PURPOSE:Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is characterized by the expansion of clonal mast cells that infiltrate various organ systems. The extent of organ infiltration and subsequent organ damage distinguishes between indolent SM (ISM) defined by a nearly normal life expectancy and advanced SM (AdvSM) defined by poor prognosis. In ISM, measurement of the bone mineral density (BMD) frequently reveals osteoporosis. In contrast, the clinical implication of an increased BMD and osteosclerosis remains unclear. METHODS:BMD was evaluated in 61 patients with mastocytosis (ISM, n = 29, 48%; AdvSM, n = 32, 52%). We correlated the prevalence of osteoporosis, increased BMD and osteosclerosis with clinical parameters, disease variant and prognosis. RESULTS:Osteoporosis was detected in 11/29 (38%) patients with ISM but only in 2/32 (6%) patients with AdvSM (p = 0.004). An increased BMD was detected in 1/29 (3%) patients with ISM and 24/32 (75%) patients with AdvSM (p < 0.001) while osteosclerosis was only detected in AdvSM patients (16/32, 50%). AdvSM patients with increased BMD had higher levels of bone marrow mast cell infiltration, higher serum tryptase and alkaline phosphatase levels compared to ISM as well as higher number of high-molecular risk mutations (p < 0.05). In addition, we found that the prognosis of AdvSM patients with increased BMD is inferior compared to those without increased BMD (median overall survival 3.6 years versus not reached, p = 0.031). CONCLUSIONS:Osteoporosis is a common feature in ISM but not in AdvSM. An increased BMD is frequently present in AdvSM but not in ISM and is associated with more advanced disease and inferior outcome.
METHODS::We present salmon calcitonin (SCT) loaded Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (HAP-NPs) for sublingual osteoporosis therapy. Surface stabilized HAP-NPs were prepared by aqueous precipitation. SCT was loaded by ionic complexation, as confirmed by FTIR. SCT-HAP-NPs exhibited high loading efficiency (~85%), average size (~100nm), and zeta potential (~-25 mv). Stability of SCT was established by circular dichroism spectroscopy and HPLC analysis. Confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed deep penetration of SCT-HAP-NPs into the mucosa with >4-fold enhancement in permeability relative to SCT solution. Sublingual SCT-HAP-NPs revealed relative bioavailability of ~15% compared to the subcutaneous injection in rabbits (200iu). Significant and comparable improvement in serum biomarkers with increase in bone mass and mechanical strength and decreased bone erosion compared to subcutaneous SCT was confirmed in ovariectomized (OVX) osteoporosis rat model. Such comparable pharmacodynamic effect at the same dose suggested targeted bone delivery and promise of sublingual SCT-HAP-NPs as a non-invasive alternative to the injection.