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Evolution of the imaging features of osteoid osteoma treated with RFA or MRgFUS during a long-term follow-up: a pictorial review with clinical correlations.

长期随访中接受RFA或MRgFUS治疗的骨样骨瘤影像学特征的演变: 具有临床相关性的图片综述。

  • 影响因子:1.82
  • DOI:10.1007/s11547-020-01134-w
  • 作者列表:"Arrigoni F","Bruno F","Gianneramo C","Palumbo P","Zugaro L","Zoccali C","Barile A","Masciocchi C
  • 发表时间:2020-06-01

:Interventional radiology is today considered the first-line treatment for osteoid osteoma both in the form of needle-guided technique of ablation (Radiofrequency) and of needleless technique (magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery). The follow-up study of the procedures is mainly clinical, since the disappearance of pain is consistent with the success of the procedure. However, due to the minimally invasive and innovative nature of the approach, interpretation of the follow-up imaging could be ambiguous and misleading. Aim of our review was to define the main findings on the imaging that can best describe the regular evolution of these types of treatment. In particular, four findings were considered: (1) bone marrow oedema; (2) reactive phenomena (perilesional inflammatory reaction for extra-articular lesions or synovial reaction for intra-articular lesions); (3) bone remodelling (disappearance of the nidus and bone healing); (4) ring sign (considered as the granulation tissue around the nidus treated). These findings were evaluated using MRI and CT with a follow-up study that lasted up to 24 months.


: 介入放射学今天被认为是骨样骨瘤的一线治疗,两者都是以针引导消融技术 (射频) 的形式和无针技术 (磁共振引导聚焦超声手术)。手术的随访研究主要是临床,因为疼痛的消失与手术的成功一致。然而,由于该方法的微创性和创新性,后续成像的解释可能含糊不清且具有误导性。我们综述的目的是确定影像学上的主要发现,以最好地描述这些类型治疗的常规演变。特别考虑了四个发现 :( 1) 骨髓水肿; (2) 反应现象 (关节外病变的周围炎性反应或关节内病变的滑膜反应); (3) 骨重塑 (病灶消失和骨愈合); (4) 环征(认为是治疗的病灶周围的肉芽组织)。使用MRI和CT评估这些发现,并进行长达 24 个月的随访研究。



作者列表:["Tran S","Puric E","Walser M","Poel R","Datta NR","Heuberger J","Pica A","Marder D","Lomax N","Bolsi A","Morach P","Bachtiary B","Seddon BM","Schneider R","Bodis S","Weber DC"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:Large inoperable sacral chordomas show unsatisfactory local control rates even when treated with high dose proton therapy (PT). The aim of this study is assessing feasibility and reporting early results of patients treated with PT and concomitant hyperthermia (HT). METHODS: :Patients had histologically proven unresectable sacral chordomas and received 70 Gy (relative biological effectiveness) in 2.5 Gy fractions with concomitant weekly HT. Toxicity was assessed according to CTCAE_v4. A volumetric tumor response analysis was performed. RESULTS: :Five patients were treated with the combined approach. Median baseline tumor volume was 735 cc (range, 369-1142). All patients completed PT and received a median of 5 HT sessions (range, 2-6). Median follow-up was 18 months (range, 9-26). The volumetric analysis showed an objective response of all tumors (median shrinkage 46%; range, 9-72). All patients experienced acute Grade 2-3 local pain. One patient presented with a late Grade 3 iliac fracture. CONCLUSION:Combining PT and HT in large inoperable sacral chordomas is feasible and causes acceptable toxicity. Volumetric analysis shows promising early results, warranting confirmation in the framework of a prospective trial. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE: :This is an encouraging first report of the feasibility and early results of concomitant HT and PT in treating inoperable sacral chordoma.

关键词: 暂无
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作者列表:["Gyori DJ","Bullington SM","Crawford BS","Vernon VP"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:National guidelines recommend screening and treatment for cancer-related bone disease and continued monitoring of bone-modifying agents. It is unclear whether a standardized screening tool is utilized to identify eligible patients and ensure appropriate supportive care is implemented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate current prescribing practices and optimize management of bone-modifying agents. METHODS:A retrospective chart review was performed to identify patients who received hormone deprivation therapy or had bone metastases through Hematology/Oncology or Urology clinics from 1 November 2016 to 31 October 2017. The primary endpoints of this study were the incidence of completed baseline dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan for patients on hormone deprivation therapy and percent of patients started on a bone-modifying agent for the prevention of skeletal-related events secondary to bone metastasis. Secondary endpoints included percent of patients with dental examinations prior to initiation, adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation, incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw or flu-like symptoms and education, and percent of bisphosphonate doses appropriately adjusted based on renal function. RESULTS:A total of 375 patients were assessed for baseline DEXA scans and bone-modifying therapy. Of the 226 patients on hormone deprivation therapy, 111 (49%) patients were appropriately screened with a DEXA scan prior to initiation of hormone deprivation therapy. Among the 149 patients with bone metastases, only 94 (63.1%) patients were started on a bone-modifying agent. CONCLUSIONS:Opportunities have been identified to optimize management of patients with cancer-related bone disease. Implementation of standardized tools may increase the rate of appropriate screening and initiation of bone-modifying therapy when warranted.

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作者列表:["Dohzono S","Sasaoka R","Takamatsu K","Hoshino M","Nakamura H"]

METHODS:PURPOSE:Low skeletal muscle mass has been associated with poor prognosis in patients with advanced lung cancer. However, little is known about the relationship between skeletal muscle mass and overall survival in patients with bone metastases from lung cancer. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of low trunk muscle mass in predicting overall survival in these patients. METHODS:The data from 198 patients who were diagnosed with bone metastases from lung cancer from April 2009 to May 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. The areas of the psoas and paravertebral muscles were measured at the level of the third lumbar vertebra on computed tomography scans taken at the time nearest to the diagnosis of bone metastasis. Muscle area was evaluated for male and female cohorts separately using different cutoff points. Cox proportional hazards analysis was performed to evaluate the factors independently associated with overall survival. RESULTS:The overall survival of patients in the lowest quartile for psoas muscle area or paravertebral muscle area was significantly shorter than that of patients above the 25th percentile for muscle area (p < 0.001). Multivariate analyses showed that paravertebral muscle mass (hazard ratio, 1.73; 95% confidence interval, 1.17-2.56; p = 0.006), epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted therapy, and performance status were independent prognostic factors. CONCLUSIONS:Low paravertebral muscle mass was associated with shorter survival, independently of known prognostic factors.

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