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Assessment of willingness to Tele-monitoring interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes and/or hypertension in the public primary healthcare setting.

公共基层医疗机构中 2 型糖尿病和/或高血压患者远程监测干预意愿的评估。

  • 影响因子:2.58
  • DOI:10.1186/s12911-020-1024-4
  • 作者列表:"Sin DYE","Guo X","Yong DWW","Qiu TY","Moey PKS","Falk MR","Tan NC
  • 发表时间:2020-01-28

BACKGROUND:Tele-monitoring (TM) is remote monitoring of individuals via info-communication technology, enabling them and their relatives or care-providers to recognize their health status conveniently. TM will be successful only if the individuals, often patients with medical conditions, are willing to accept and adopt it in their daily lives. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of willingness of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and/or hypertension towards the use of TM, and the factors influencing their uptake.,METHODS:A cross-sectional survey was conducted at two public primary care clinics (polyclinics) in north-eastern Singapore, where TM had not been implemented. After the patients with T2DM and/or hypertension consented after fulfilling the eligibility criteria, they were first introduced to the concept of TM using pictogram and explanation by the investigators. Data on their demography, clinical parameters, technological literacy and acceptance of TM based on the Health Information Technology Acceptance Model (HITAM) were subsequently collected, computed, analyzed, followed by regression analyses to identify the factors associated with their willingness to use TM.,RESULTS:Among 1125 eligible multi-ethnic Asian patients approached, 899 of them completed the assisted questionnaire survey, yielding a response rate of 79.9%. Their mean age was 58 ± 8 years, females 51.3% and Chinese 69.3%. Overall, 53.0% of the patients were willing to use TM. Personal beliefs on technology (OR = 3.54, 95%CI = 2.50-4.50, p < 0.001), prior technology utility (OR = 3.18, 95%CI = 1.57-6.42, p = 0.001), Patient's requirements to be accompanied (OR = 1.48, 95% CI = 1.054-2.082, P = 0.03) Cost considerations (OR = 2.96, 95% CI = 2.257-3.388, P < 0.01) and technological literacy (OR = 2.77, 95%CI = 2.05-3.38, p < 0.001) were associated with willingness to use TM.,CONCLUSION:Slightly over half of the patients were willing to use TM. Factors such as age, ethnicity, technological literacy, beliefs and previous utility of technology of the patients have to be addressed before implementing TM in primary care.


背景: 远程监测是通过信息通信技术对个人进行远程监测,使他们及其亲属或护理人员能够方便地识别他们的健康状况。只有个人,通常是有医疗条件的患者,愿意接受并在日常生活中采用它,TM 才会成功。本研究旨在确定 2 型糖尿病 (T2DM) 和/或高血压患者对 TM 使用意愿的患病率,以及影响其摄取的因素。方法: 在新加坡东北部两个尚未实施 TM 的公共初级保健诊所 (综合诊所) 进行横断面调查。T2DM 和/或高血压患者在符合合格标准后同意,首先使用象形图和研究者的解释引入 TM 的概念。随后收集、计算、分析了基于健康信息技术接受模型 (HITAM) 的 TM 的人口统计学、临床参数、技术素养和接受度数据, 随后进行回归分析,以确定与其使用 TM 的意愿相关的因素。, 结果: 在 1125 名符合条件的多种族亚洲患者中,其中 899 人完成了辅助问卷调查,应答率为 79.9%。平均年龄 58 ± 8 岁,女性 51.3%,中国人 69.3%。总体而言,53.0% 的患者愿意使用 TM。个人对技术的信念 (or = 3.54,95% ci = 2.50-4.50,p <0.001),先前的技术效用 (or = 3.18, 95% ci =   1.57-6.42,p =   0.001) 、病人要求陪护 (or   =   1.48,95% ci ci=   1.054-2.082,P =   0.03) 成本考虑 (or = 2.96,95% ci = 2.257-3.388,P <0.01) 和技术素养 (or = 2.77,95% ci = 2.05-3.38, p <0.001)与使用 TM 的意愿相关。结论: 略多于一半的患者愿意使用 TM。在初级保健中实施 TM 之前,必须解决患者的年龄、种族、技术素养、信念和以前的技术效用等因素。



作者列表:["Simard JF","Rossides M","Arkema EV","Svenungsson E","Wikström AK","Mittleman MA","Salmon JE"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) increase cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Pregnancy morbidities, including preeclampsia, and CVD are common in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Possible connections are important to explore. In a population-based cohort, we investigated whether HDP is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular outcomes separately in SLE and non-SLE to examine the role of SLE. METHODS:We identified first singleton births in the Medical Birth Register (1987-2012) among mothers with SLE and a large general population comparison group. Discharge diagnoses for HDP, cardiovascular outcomes, and hypertension in the Patient Register were identified using ICD codes. We estimated adjusted hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (HR, 95% CI) of the association between HDP and outcomes, in separate models in women with and without SLE. We then evaluated additive and multiplicative effect modification using relative excess risk due to interaction and Cox models jointly accounting for SLE and HDP, respectively. Mediation analysis estimated the proportion of the association between SLE and outcome explained by HDP. RESULTS:HDP were more common in SLE pregnancies (20% vs 7%). In SLE, HDP were associated with a two-fold higher rate of cardiovascular outcomes and three-fold higher rate of incident hypertension. HDP mediated 20% of the latter association. In women without SLE, HDP was associated with higher hypertension incidence later in life. CONCLUSION:In women with and without SLE, HDP were associated with a three-fold higher rate of hypertension. In SLE, women with HDP developed cardiovascular outcomes twice as often as women without HDP.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Zhang J","Gong WY","Liu M","Zhou W","Rao J","Li YQ","Wu JH","Luo D","Wang C","Peng H"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:'Neuronal precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4-like' (NEDD4L) is considered a candidate gene for hypertension-both functionally and genetically-through the regulation of the ubiquitination of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). This study explores the relationship between genetic variation in NEDD4L and hypertension with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the southeastern Han Chinese population. METHODS:We recruited 623 CKD patients and measured ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), and the rs4149601 and rs2288774 polymorphisms in NEDD4L were genotyped using qPCR. RESULTS:For rs4149601, significant differences in genotype frequencies in an additive model (GG vs GA vs AA) were observed between normotensive patients and hypertensive patients when hypertension was classified into ambulatory hypertension, clinical hypertension and ambulatory systolic hypertension (P = 0.038, 0.005 and 0.006, respectively). In a recessive model (GG+GA vs AA), the frequency of the AA genotype of rs4149601 in the hypertension groups were all higher than that in the normotensive groups. The genotype distribution of rs2288774 did not differ significantly between the normotensive and hypertensive patients. In both the full cohort and the propensity score matching (PSM) cohort, the AA genotype of rs4149601 (compared to the GG+GA genotype group) was independently correlated with ambulatory hypertension, clinical hypertension and ambulatory systolic hypertension by multivariate logistic regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS:The present study indicates that the AA genotype of rs4149601 associates with hypertension in CKD. Consequently, the rs4149601 A allele might be a risk factor for hypertension with CKD.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Gyamfi J","Allegrante JP","Iwelunmor J","Williams O","Plange-Rhule J","Blackstone S","Ntim M","Apusiga K","Peprah E","Ogedegbe G"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:The burden of hypertension in many low-and middle-income countries is alarming and requires effective evidence-based preventative strategies that is carefully appraised and accepted by key stakeholders to ensure successful implementation and sustainability. We assessed nurses' perceptions of a recently completed Task Shifting Strategy for Hypertension control (TASSH) trial in Ghana, and facilitators and challenges to TASSH implementation. METHODS:Focus group sessions and in-depth interviews were conducted with 27 community health nurses from participating health centers and district hospitals involved in the TASSH trial implemented in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, West Africa from 2012 to 2017. TASSH evaluated the comparative effectiveness of the WHO-PEN program versus provision of health insurance for blood pressure reduction in hypertensive adults. Qualitative data were analyzed using open and axial coding techniques with emerging themes mapped onto the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). RESULTS:Three themes emerged following deductive analysis using CFIR, including: (1) Patient health goal setting- relative priority and positive feedback from nurses, which motivated patients to make healthy behavior changes as a result of their health being a priority; (2) Leadership engagement (i.e., medical directors) which influenced the extent to which nurses were able to successfully implement TASSH in their various facilities, with most directors being very supportive; and (3) Availability of resources making it possible to implement the TASSH protocol, with limited space and personnel time to carry out TASSH duties, limited blood pressure (BP) monitoring equipment, and transportation, listed as barriers to effective implementation. CONCLUSION:Assessing stakeholders' perception of the TASSH implementation process guided by CFIR is crucial as it provides a platform for the nurses to thoroughly evaluate the task shifting program, while considering the local context in which the program is implemented. The feedback from the nurses informed barriers and facilitators to implementation of TASSH within the current healthcare system, and suggested system level changes needed prior to scale-up of TASSH to other regions in Ghana with potential for long-term sustainment of the task shifting intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION:Trial registration for parent TASSH study: NCT01802372. Registered February 27, 2013.



