
机械通气患者的过早、适时和延迟脱机: 呼吁中低收入国家实施脱机方案。
OBJECTIVES:Weaning protocols establish readiness-to-wean criteria to determine the opportune moment to conduct a spontaneous breathing trial. Weaning protocols have not been widely adopted or evaluated in ICUs in low- and middle-income countries. We sought to compare clinical outcomes between participants whose weaning trials were retrospectively determined to have been premature, opportune, or delayed based on when they met readiness-to-wean criteria. DESIGN:Prospective, multicenter observational study. SETTING:Five medical ICUs in four public hospitals in Lima, Perú. SUBJECTS:Adults with acute respiratory failure and at least 24 hours of invasive mechanical ventilation (n = 1,657). INTERVENTIONS:None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:We established six readiness-to-wean criteria and retrospectively categorized our sample into three weaning groups: 1) premature: if the weaning trial took place before fulfilling all criteria, 2) opportune: if the weaning trial took place within 24 hours after fulfilling the criteria, and 3) delayed: if the weaning trial took place over 24 hours after fulfilling criteria. We compared 90-day mortality, ventilator-free days, ICU-free days, and hospital-free days between premature, opportune, and delayed weaning groups. In our sample, 761 participants (60.8%) were classified as having a premature weaning trial, 196 underwent opportune weaning (15.7%), and 295 experienced delayed weaning (23.6%). There was no significant difference in 90-day mortality between the groups. Both the premature and delayed weaning groups had poorer clinical outcomes with fewer ventilator-free days (-2.18, p = 0.008) and (-3.49, p < 0.001), ICU-free days (-2.25, p = 0.001) and (-3.72, p < 0.001), and hospital-free days (-2.76, p = 0.044) and (-4.53, p = 0.004), respectively, compared with the opportune weaning group. CONCLUSIONS:Better clinical outcomes occur with opportune weaning compared with premature and delayed weaning. If readiness-to-wean criteria can be applied in resource-limited settings, it may improve ICU outcomes associated with opportune weaning.
目的: 断奶方案建立了准备断奶标准,以确定进行自主呼吸试验的时机。断奶方案尚未在中低收入国家的 icu 中广泛采用或评价。我们试图比较撤机试验根据何时符合准备断奶标准而被回顾性确定为过早、适时或延迟的参与者的临床结局。 设计: 前瞻性、多中心观察性研究。 地点: 佩鲁利马四家公立医院的五家医疗 icu。 受试者: 成人急性呼吸衰竭,至少 24 小时有创机械通气 (n = 1,657)。 干预措施: 无。 测量和主要结果: 我们建立了六个准备断奶标准,并回顾性地将我们的样本分为三个断奶组: 1) 早产: 如果断奶试验在满足所有标准之前进行, 2) 合适: 如果断奶试验在达到标准后 24 小时内进行,3) 延迟:如果断奶试验在达到标准后 24 小时内进行。我们比较了早产、适时和延迟脱机组之间的 90 天死亡率、无呼吸机天数、无 ICU 天数和无住院天数。在我们的样本中,761 名参与者 (60.8%) 被分类为过早断奶试验,196 名接受了适时断奶 (15.7%),295 名经历了延迟断奶 (23.6%)。组间 90 天死亡率无显著差异。过早和延迟脱机组的临床结局均较差,无呼吸机天数较少 (-2.18,p = 0.008) 和 (-3.49,p
METHODS:Background: The hospitalization of patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) in 5−15% of cases is associated with the occurrence of a complication in the form of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Purpose: Retrospective assessment of risk factors of VAP in patients treated at ICUs in the University Hospital in Krakow. Methods: The research involved the medical documentation of 1872 patients treated at the ICU of the University Hospital in Krakow between 2014 and 2017. The patients were mechanically ventilated for at least 48 h. The obtained data were presented by qualitative and quantitative analysis (%). The qualitative variables were compared using the Chi2 test. Statistically significant was the p < 0.05 value. Results: VAP was demonstrated in 23% of all patients treated in ICU during the analyzed period, and this infection occurred in 13% of men and 10% of women. Pneumonia associated with ventilation was found primarily in patients staying in the ward for over 15 days and subjected to intratracheal intubation (17%). A statistically significant was found between VAP and co-morbidities, e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, alcoholism, obesity, the occurrence of VAP and multi-organ trauma, hemorrhage/hemorrhagic shock, and fractures as the reasons for admitting ICU patients. Conclusions: Patients with comorbidities such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, diabetes, and alcoholism are a high-risk group for VAP. Particular attention should be paid to patients admitted to the ICU with multi-organ trauma, fractures, and hemorrhage/hemorrhagic shock as patients predisposed to VAP. There is a need for further research into risk factors for non-modifiable VAP such as comorbidities and reasons for ICU admission in order to allow closer monitoring of these patients for VAP.
METHODS::Backgroud Severe pneumonia is one of the most common causes for mechanical ventilation. We aimed to early identify severe pneumonia patients with high risk of extubation failure in order to improve prognosis. Methods From April 2014 to December 2015, medical records of intubated patients with severe pneumonia in intensive care unit were retrieved from database. Patients were divided into extubation success and failure groups, and multivariate logistic regressions were performed to identify independent predictors for extubation failure. Results A total of 125 eligible patients were included, of which 82 and 43 patients had extubation success and failure, respectively. APACHE II score (odds ration (OR) 1.141, 95% confident interval (CI) 1.022-1.273, P = 0.019, cutoff at 17.5), blood glucose (OR 1.122, 95%CI 1.008-1.249, P = 0.035, cutoff at 9.87mmol/L), dose of fentanyl (OR 3.010, 95%CI 1.100-8.237, P = 0.032, cutoff at 1.135mg/d), and the need for red blood cell (RBC) transfusion (OR 2.774, 95%CI 1.062-7.252, P = 0.037) were independent risk factors for extubation failure. Conclusions In patients with severe pneumonia, APACHE II score > 17.5, blood glucose > 9.87mmol/L, fentanyl usage > 1.135mg/d, and the need for RBC transfusion might be associated with higher risk of extubation failure.
METHODS:PURPOSE:To assess the association between the duration of mechanical ventilation during post resuscitation care and 30-day survival after cardiac arrest. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective observational study using data from two national registries. Comatose cardiac arrest patients admitted to general intensive care in Swedish hospitals between 2011 and 2016 were eligible. Based on the median duration of mechanical ventilation for patients who did not survive to hospital discharge, used as a proxy for the endurance of post resuscitation care, the hospitals were divided into four ordered groups for which association with 30-day survival was analyzed. RESULTS:In total, 5.113 patients in 56 hospitals were included. Median duration of mechanical ventilation for patients who did not survive to hospital discharge ranged from 17 hours in hospital group 1 to 51 hours in hospital group 4. After adjustment for baseline characteristics, 30-day survival in the entire cohort was positively and independently associated with ordered hospital group: (adjusted odds ratio (95%CI); 1.12 (1.02,1.23); p = 0.02). Thus, hospitals with a longer duration of mechanical ventilation among non-survivors had better survival rate among patients admitted to ICU after a cardiac arrest. However, in a secondary analysis restricted to patients with length of stay in the intensive care unit ≥ 48 hours, there was no significant association between 30-day survival and ordered hospital group. CONCLUSION:A tendency for longer duration of post resuscitation care in the ICU was associated with higher 30-day survival in comatose patients admitted to intensive care after cardiac arrest.