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Inchoate guidelines of endoscopic resection of colloid cysts.


  • 影响因子:1.63
  • DOI:10.1016/j.jocn.2019.12.017
  • 作者列表:"Burhan Janjua M","Reddy S","El Ahmadieh TY","Ban VS","Hwang SW","Ozturk AK","Price AV","Weprin BE","Batjer H
  • 发表时间:2020-01-01

:Colloid cyst are cystic lesions in the third ventricle and could render patients asymptomatic. However, there is an inherent risk of symptomatic progression, acute decompensation, and sudden death. Therefore, there is no clear consensus as how to observe or when to treat a newly diagnosed patient with a colloid cyst. The authors' objective is to identify the risk factors and then develop a risk stratification score to guide neurosurgeons during acute or chronic presentation. Radiological imaging characteristics have been outlined for the risk stratification as well preoperative evaluation. A baseline neuropsychological evaluation is helpful to obtain during an incidental presentation because history and neurological examination could be inconclusive in these cases. Radiological imaging with an MRI brain scan plays a vital role for the initial screening (determination of the cyst size, exact location, and the imaging characteristics) as well as for the preoperative planning. Stereotactic guidance is a high yield, followed by neuroendoscopic resection of the colloid cyst has been an established approach to resect these lesions. Modified colloid cyst risk scoring (mCCRS) system is robust and detailed for the optimal risk stratification of colloid cyst presentation. Stereotactic guided neuroendoscopic resection of the colloid cyst is a safe and efficacious approach to manage these lesions. The intended use, crucial steps involved, and the limitations of the technique have been discussed especially with a focus on the recurrence. Moreover, a comprehensive treatment algorithm has been presented.


: 胶样囊肿是第三脑室的囊性病变,可使患者无症状。然而,存在症状进展、急性失代偿和猝死的固有风险。因此,如何观察或何时治疗新诊断的胶样囊肿患者没有明确的共识。作者的目的是确定危险因素,然后制定风险分层评分,以指导神经外科医生在急性或慢性表现期间。放射成像特征已被概述为风险分层以及术前评估。基线神经心理学评估有助于在偶然表现期间获得,因为在这些情况下,病史和神经检查可能是不确定的。MRI脑部扫描的放射成像对于初始筛查 (确定囊肿大小、确切位置和成像特征) 以及术前计划起着至关重要的作用。立体定向引导是一种高产量的方法,神经内镜下切除胶样囊肿是切除这些病变的既定方法。改良的胶样囊肿风险评分 (mCCRS) 系统对于胶样囊肿表现的最佳风险分层是稳健和详细的。立体定向引导神经内镜下切除胶样囊肿是治疗这些病变的一种安全有效的方法。已经讨论了该技术的预期用途、所涉及的关键步骤和局限性,特别是重点在于复发。提出了一种综合处理算法。



来源期刊:Clinical dysmorphology
作者列表:["Mbuyi-Musanzayi S","Kasamba EI","Revencu N","Lukusa PT","Kalenga PM","Tshilombo FK","Reychler H","Devriendt K"]

METHODS::Microdeletion of the entire interferon regulatory factory 6 (IRF 6) gene is a rare cause of Van der Woude syndrome (VDW) with only few cases reported in medical literature. Its occurrence in multiple affected members of a family is exceptional. The aim of this presentation was to describe a Central African family with typical VDW phenotype carrying an IRF6 gene deletion. Here we reported phenotype features of members of a Central African family with VDW syndrome consisting of labioalveolar cleft, depressions of the lower lip with labial fistulae (lip pits), submucosal clefts and cleft palate. Mutation analysis by means of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and chromosomal microarray revealed a 374.070 kb, deletion encompassing the entire IRF6 gene in four affected family members. Microdeletion of the entire IRF6 gene causes the classical VDW syndrome phenotype.

关键词: 暂无
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作者列表:["Heidar Z","Hamzepour N","Zadeh Modarres S","Mirzamoradi M","Aghadavod E","Pourhanifeh MH","Asemi Z"]

METHODS::This study was performed to determine the effects of selenium supplementation on clinical symptoms and gene expression related to inflammatory markers in infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who were candidate for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Thirty-six women candidate for IVF were recruited in this randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. They (n = 18/group) were randomly assigned into intervention groups to take either 200 μg/day of selenium or placebo for 8 weeks. RT-PCR findings indicated that selenium supplementation downregulated gene expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1) (P < 0.004) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) (P = 0.02) in lymphocytes of patients with PCOS compared with the placebo. In addition, selenium supplementation upregulated gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (P = 0.001) in lymphocytes of patients with PCOS compared with the placebo. Selenium supplementation had no significant effect on clinical symptoms and gene expression of IL-8 (P = 0.10) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) (P = 0.63). Overall, our findings documented that selenium supplementation for 8 weeks to infertile women candidate for IVF improved IL-1, TNF-α, and VEGF gene expression, though selenium had no effect on clinical symptoms and, IL-8 and TGF-β gene expression. Clinical trial registration number: http://www.irct.ir: IRCT20170513033941N23.

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作者列表:["Jamilian M","Foroozanfard F","Kavossian E","Kia M","Aghadavod E","Amirani E","Asemi Z"]

METHODS::The primary aim of our study was to determine the influence of taking chromium plus carnitine on insulin resistance, with a secondary objective of evaluating the influences on lipid profiles and weight loss in overweight subjects with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In a 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 54 overweight women were randomly assigned to receive either supplements (200 μg/day chromium picolinate plus 1000 mg/day carnitine) or placebo (27/each group). Chromium and carnitine co-supplementation decreased weight (- 3.6 ± 1.8 vs. - 1.0 ± 0.7 kg, P < 0.001), BMI (- 1.3 ± 0.7 vs. - 0.3 ± 0.3 kg/m2, P < 0.001), fasting plasma glucose (FPG) (- 5.1 ± 6.0 vs. - 1.1 ± 4.9 mg/dL, P = 0.01), insulin (- 2.0 ± 1.4 vs. - 0.2 ± 1.2 μIU/mL, P < 0.001), insulin resistance (- 0.5 ± 0.4 vs. - 0.04 ± 0.3, P < 0.001), triglycerides (- 18.0 ± 25.2 vs. + 5.5 ± 14.4 mg/dL, P < 0.001), total (- 17.0 ± 20.3 vs. + 3.6 ± 12.0 mg/dL, P < 0.001), and LDL cholesterol (- 13.3 ± 19.2 vs. + 1.4 ± 13.3 mg/dL, P = 0.002), and elevated insulin sensitivity (+ 0.007 ± 0.005 vs. + 0.002 ± 0.005, P < 0.001). In addition, co-supplementation upregulated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (P = 0.02) and low-density lipoprotein receptor expression (P = 0.02). Overall, chromium and carnitine co-supplementation for 12 weeks to overweight women with PCOS had beneficial effects on body weight, glycemic control, lipid profiles except HDL cholesterol levels, and gene expression of PPAR-γ and LDLR. Clinical trial registration number: http://www.irct.ir: IRCT20170513033941N38.

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