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Antibodies against the erythroferrone N-terminal domain prevent hepcidin suppression and ameliorate murine thalassemia.


  • 影响因子:7.27
  • DOI:10.1182/blood.2019003140
  • 作者列表:"Arezes J","Foy N","McHugh K","Quinkert D","Benard S","Sawant A","Frost JN","Armitage AE","Pasricha SR","Lim PJ","Tam MS","Lavallie E","Pittman DD","Cunningham O","Lambert M","Murphy JE","Draper SJ","Jasuja R","Drakesmith H
  • 发表时间:2020-02-20

:Erythroferrone (ERFE) is produced by erythroblasts in response to erythropoietin (EPO) and acts in the liver to prevent hepcidin stimulation by BMP6. Hepcidin suppression allows for the mobilization of iron to the bone marrow for the production of red blood cells. Aberrantly high circulating ERFE in conditions of stress erythropoiesis, such as in patients with β-thalassemia, promotes the tissue iron accumulation that substantially contributes to morbidity in these patients. Here we developed antibodies against ERFE to prevent hepcidin suppression and to correct the iron loading phenotype in a mouse model of β-thalassemia [Hbb(th3/+) mice] and used these antibodies as tools to further characterize ERFE's mechanism of action. We show that ERFE binds to BMP6 with nanomolar affinity and binds BMP2 and BMP4 with somewhat weaker affinities. We found that BMP6 binds the N-terminal domain of ERFE, and a polypeptide derived from the N terminus of ERFE was sufficient to cause hepcidin suppression in Huh7 hepatoma cells and in wild-type mice. Anti-ERFE antibodies targeting the N-terminal domain prevented hepcidin suppression in ERFE-treated Huh7 cells and in EPO-treated mice. Finally, we observed a decrease in splenomegaly and serum and liver iron in anti-ERFE-treated Hbb(th3/+) mice, accompanied by an increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin and a decrease in reticulocyte counts. In summary, we show that ERFE binds BMP6 directly and with high affinity, and that antibodies targeting the N-terminal domain of ERFE that prevent ERFE-BMP6 interactions constitute a potential therapeutic tool for iron loading anemias.


: 红铁蛋白 (ERFE) 由成红细胞响应促红细胞生成素 (EPO) 而产生,并在肝脏中发挥作用以防止bmp6对铁调素的刺激。铁调素抑制允许铁向骨髓动员以产生红细胞。在应激红细胞生成的条件下,例如在 β-地中海贫血患者中,异常高的循环ERFE促进组织铁积累,这基本上有助于这些患者的发病。在这里,我们开发了针对ERFE的抗体,以防止铁调素抑制和纠正 β-地中海贫血 [Hbb(th3/+) 小鼠] 小鼠模型中的铁负载表型,并将这些抗体用作进一步表征ERFE作用机制的工具。我们显示ERFE以纳摩尔亲和力结合BMP6,并以稍弱的亲和力结合BMP2和BMP4。我们发现BMP6结合ERFE的N端结构域,ERFE的N端衍生的多肽足以在Huh7肝癌细胞和野生型小鼠中引起铁调素抑制。靶向N末端结构域的抗ERFE抗体在ERFE处理的Huh7细胞和EPO处理的小鼠中阻止铁调素抑制。最后,我们在抗ERFE处理的Hbb(th3/+) 小鼠中观察到脾肿大以及血清和肝铁的减少,伴随着红细胞和血红蛋白的增加以及网织红细胞计数的减少。总之,我们表明ERFE直接以高亲和力结合BMP6,并且靶向ERFE N端结构域的抗体可以防止ERFE-BMP6相互作用,这是铁负载贫血的潜在治疗工具。



作者列表:["Yang J","Peng CF","Qi Y","Rao XQ","Guo F","Hou Y","He W","Wu J","Chen YY","Zhao X","Wang YN","Peng H","Wang D","Du L","Luo MY","Huang QF","Liu HL","Yin A"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Thalassemia is one of the most common monogenetic diseases in the south of China and Southeast Asia. Hemoglobin Bart's hydrops fetalis syndrome was caused by a homozygous Southeast Asian deletion (-/-) in the HBA gene. Few studies have proved the potential of screen for Bart's hydrops fetalis using fetal cell-free DNA. However, the number of cases is still relatively small. Clinical trials of large samples would be needed. OBJECTIVE:In this study, we aimed to develop a noninvasive method of target-captured sequencing and genotyping by the Bayesian method using cell-free fetal DNA to identify the fetal genotype in pregnant women who are at risk of having hemoglobin Bart hydrops fetalis in a large-scale study. STUDY DESIGN:In total, 192,173 couples from 30 hospitals were enrolled in our study and 878 couples were recruited, among whom both the pregnant women and their husbands were detected to be carriers of Southeast Asian type (-/αα) of α-thalassemia. Prenatal diagnosis was performed by chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, or cordocentesis using gap-polymerase chain reaction considered as the golden standard. RESULTS:As a result, we found that the sensitivity and specificity of our noninvasive method were 98.81% and 94.72%, respectively, in the training set as well as 100% and 99.31%, respectively, in the testing set. Moreover, our method could identify all of 885 maternal samples with the Southeast Asian carrier and 36 trisomy samples with 100% of sensitivity in T13, T18, and T21 and 99.89% (1 of 917) and 99.88% (1 of 888) of specificity in T18 and T21, respectively. CONCLUSION:Our method opens the possibility of early screening for maternal genotyping of α-thalassemia, fetal aneuploidies in chromosomes 13/18/21, and hemoglobin Bart hydrops fetalis detection in 1 tube of maternal plasma.

作者列表:["Suarez ML","Schlaeger JM","Angulo V","Shuey DA","Carrasco J","Roach KL","Ezenwa MO","Yao Y","Wang ZJ","Molokie RE","Wilkie DJ"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a serious illness with disabling acute and chronic pain that needs better therapies, but insufficient patient participation in research is a major impediment to advancing SCD pain management. The purpose of this article is to discuss the challenges of conducting an SCD study and approaches to successfully overcoming those challenges. DESIGN:In a repeated-measures, longitudinal study designed to characterize SCD pain phenotypes, we recruited 311 adults of African ancestry. Adults with SCD completed 4 study visits 6 months apart, and age- and gender-matched healthy controls completed 1 visit. RESULTS:We recruited and completed measures on 186 patients with SCD and 125 healthy controls. We retained 151 patients with SCD with data at 4 time points over 18 months and 125 healthy controls (1 time point) but encountered many challenges in recruitment and study visit completion. Enrollment delays often arose from patients' difficulty in taking time from their complicated lives and frequent pain episodes. Once scheduled, participants with SCD cancelled 49% of visits often because of pain; controls canceled 30% of their scheduled visits. To facilitate recruitment and retention, we implemented a number of strategies that were invaluable in our success. CONCLUSION:Patients' struggles with illness, chronic pain, and their life situations resulted in many challenges to recruitment and completion of study visits. Important to overcoming challenges was gaining the trust of patients with SCD and a participant-centered approach. Early identification of potential problems allowed strategies to be instituted proactively, leading to success.

作者列表:["Mukherjee MB","Colah RB","Mehta PR","Shinde N","Jain D","Desai S","Dave K","Italia Y","Raicha B","Serrao E"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:Sickle cell anemia is the commonest genetic disorder in India, and the frequency of the sickle cell gene is very high in the remote tribal areas where facilities are generally limited. Therefore, a rapid and affordable point-of-care test for sickle cell disease is needed. METHODS:The diagnostic accuracy of HemoTypeSC was evaluated against automated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as the gold standard for its efficacy in a newborn screening program. RESULTS:A total of 1,559 individuals (980 newborns and 579 adults) from four participating centers were analyzed by both methods. HemoTypeSC correctly identified 209 of 211 total hemoglobin (Hb) SS cases, for a 99.1%/99.9% total HbSS sensitivity/specificity. Overall, HemoTypeSC exhibited sensitivity and specificity of 98.1% and 99.1% for all possible phenotypes (HbAA, HbAS, and HbSS) detected. HPLC is relatively expensive and not available in most laboratories in remote tribal areas. CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that the rapid, point-of-care testing device HemoTypeSC test is suitable for population and newborn screening for the HbS phenotype.

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