
:The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become a very popular model organism in cardiovascular research, including human cardiac diseases, largely due to its embryonic transparency, genetic tractability, and amenity to rapid, high-throughput studies. However, the loss of transparency limits heart function analysis at the adult stage, which complicates modeling of age-related heart conditions. To overcome such limitations, high-frequency ultrasound echocardiography in zebrafish is emerging as a viable option. Here, we present a detailed protocol to assess cardiac function in adult zebrafish by non-invasive echocardiography using high-frequency ultrasound. The method allows visualization and analysis of zebrafish heart dimension and quantification of important functional parameters, including heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and ejection fraction. In this method, the fish are anesthetized and kept underwater and can be recovered after the procedure. Although high-frequency ultrasound is an expensive technology, the same imaging platform can be used for different species (e.g., murine and zebrafish) by adapting different transducers. Zebrafish echocardiography is a robust method for cardiac phenotyping, useful in the validation and characterization of disease models, particularly late-onset diseases; drug screens; and studies of heart injury, recovery, and regenerative capacity.
: 斑马鱼 (Danio rerio) 已成为心血管研究中非常受欢迎的模式生物,包括人类心脏疾病,主要是由于其胚胎透明度,遗传易感性以及快速,高通量研究的便利。然而,透明度的丧失限制了成人阶段的心脏功能分析,这使得与年龄相关的心脏状况的建模变得复杂。为了克服这些限制,斑马鱼中的高频超声心动图正在成为一种可行的选择。在这里,我们提出了一个详细的方案,通过使用高频超声的非侵入性超声心动图评估成年斑马鱼的心脏功能。该方法允许可视化和分析斑马鱼心脏尺寸和重要功能参数的量化,包括心率、心搏量、心输出量和射血分数。在这种方法中,鱼被麻醉并保持在水下,并且可以在手术后恢复。虽然高频超声是一种昂贵的技术,但通过适配不同的换能器,相同的成像平台可以用于不同的物种 (例如,鼠和斑马鱼)。斑马鱼超声心动图是一种强大的心脏表型分型方法,可用于疾病模型的验证和表征,特别是迟发性疾病; 药物筛选; 以及心脏损伤,恢复和再生能力的研究。
METHODS::We present the case of a 61-year-old woman with a large tumoral infiltration extending from the pelvis throughout the inferior vena cava inferior to the right atrium, protruding into the right ventricle and right ventricular outflow tract. She had been treated 10 years before for low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma by hysterectomy and adnexectomy followed by hormone- and radio-therapy. Due to cancer recurrence, she underwent peritonectomy, appendectomy, and resection of terminal ileum.
METHODS:AIMS:Significant platelet activation after long stented coronary segments has been associated with periprocedural microvascular impairment and myonecrosis. In long lesions treated either with an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) or an everolimus-eluting stent (EES), we aimed to investigate (a) procedure-related microvascular impairment, and (b) the relationship of platelet activation with microvascular function and related myonecrosis. METHODS AND RESULTS:Patients (n=66) undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in long lesions were randomised 1:1 to either BVS or EES. The primary endpoint was the difference between groups in changes of pressure-derived corrected index of microvascular resistance (cIMR) after PCI. Periprocedural myonecrosis was assessed by high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT), platelet reactivity by high-sensitivity adenosine diphosphate (hs-ADP)-induced platelet reactivity with the Multiplate Analyzer. Post-dilatation was more frequent in the BVS group, with consequent longer procedure time. A significant difference was observed between the two groups in the primary endpoint of ΔcIMR (p=0.04). hs-ADP was not different between the groups at different time points. hs-cTnT significantly increased after PCI, without difference between the groups. CONCLUSIONS:In long lesions, BVS implantation is associated with significant acute reduction in IMR as compared with EES, with no significant interaction with platelet reactivity or periprocedural myonecrosis.
METHODS:BACKGROUND:Aortopulmonary window is an uncommon congenital heart disease, with untreated cases not surviving beyond childhood. However, very rarely it can present in adult patients with features of pulmonary hypertension. Clinically these patients cannot be differentiated from other more common conditions with left to right shunt. Transthoracic echocardiography if performed meticulously, can depict the defect in aortopulmonary septum. RESULTS:We report a case of large unrepaired aortopulmonary window in a 23 years old patient, diagnosed on transthoracic echocardiography.