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Intermodality feature fusion combining unenhanced computed tomography and ferumoxytol-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography for patient-specific vascular mapping in renal impairment.


  • 影响因子:2.50
  • DOI:10.1016/j.jvs.2019.08.240
  • 作者列表:"Yoshida T","Nguyen KL","Shahrouki P","Quinones-Baldrich WJ","Lawrence PF","Finn JP
  • 发表时间:2020-05-01

OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to establish the feasibility of fusing complementary, high-contrast features from unenhanced computed tomography (CT) and ferumoxytol-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (FE-MRA) for preprocedural vascular mapping in patients with renal impairment. METHODS:In this Institutional Review Board-approved and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant study, 15 consecutive patients underwent both FE-MRA and unenhanced CT scanning, and the complementary high-contrast features from both modalities were fused to form an integrated, multifeature image. Source images from CT and MRA were segmented and registered. To validate the accuracy, precision, and concordance of fused images to source images, unambiguous landmarks, such as wires from implantable medical devices or indwelling catheters, were marked on three-dimensional (3D) models of the respective modalities, followed by rigid co-registration, interactive fusion, and fine adjustment. We then compared the positional offsets using pacing wires or catheters in the source FE-MRA (defined as points of interest [POIs]) and fused images (n = 5 patients, n = 247 points). Points within 3D image space were referenced to the respective modalities: x (right-left), y (anterior-posterior), and z (cranial-caudal). The respective 3D orthogonal reference axes from both image sets were aligned, such that with perfect registration, a given point would have the same (x, y, z) component values in both sets. The 3D offsets (Δx mm, Δy mm, Δz mm) for each of the corresponding POIs represent nonconcordance between the source FE-MRA and fused images. The offsets were compared using concordance correlation coefficients. Interobserver agreement was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman analyses. RESULTS:Thirteen patients (aged 76 ± 12 years; seven female) with aortic valve stenosis and chronic kidney disease and two patients with thoracoabdominal vascular aneurysms and chronic kidney disease underwent FE-MRA for preprocedural vascular assessment, and unenhanced CT examinations were available in all patients. No ferumoxytol-related adverse events occurred. There were 247 matched POIs evaluated on the source FE-MRA and fused images. In patients with implantable medical devices, the mean offsets in spatial position were 0.31 ± 0.51 mm (ρ = 0.99; Cb = 1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.99-0.99) for Δx, 0.27 ± 0.69 mm (ρ = 0.99; Cb = 0.99; 95% CI, 0.99-0.99) for Δy, and 0.20 ± 0.59 mm (ρ = 1; Cb = 1; 95% CI, 0.99-1.00) for Δz. Interobserver agreement was excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient, >0.99). The mean difference in offset between readers was 1.5 mm. CONCLUSIONS:Accurate 3D feature fusion is feasible, combining luminal information from FE-MRA with vessel wall information on unenhanced CT. This framework holds promise for combining the complementary strengths of magnetic resonance imaging and CT to generate information-rich, multifeature composite vascular images while avoiding the respective risks and limitations of both modalities.


目的: 本研究的目的是建立融合非增强计算机断层扫描 (CT) 和ferumoxytol增强磁共振血管成像 (fe-mra) 的互补、高对比度特征用于肾损害患者术前血管标测的可行性。 方法: 在这项机构审查委员会批准的、符合健康保险便携性和责任法案的研究中,15名连续患者接受了fe-mra和非增强ct扫描,两种模式的互补高对比度特征融合形成综合的多特征图像。对来自CT和MRA的源图像进行分割和配准。为了验证融合图像与源图像的准确性、精确性和一致性,在相应模态的三维 (3D) 模型上标记明确的标志,如植入式医疗器械或留置导管的导线,然后进行刚性配准、交互式融合和微调.然后,我们使用源fe-mra (定义为兴趣点 [POIs]) 和融合图像 (n = 5例患者,n = 247点) 中的起搏导线或导管比较位置偏移。3D图像空间内的点参考相应的模态: x (右-左) 、y (前-后) 和z (颅-尾)。来自两个图像组的相应3D正交参考轴被对准,使得在完美配准的情况下,给定点将在两个组中具有相同的 (x,y,z) 分量值。对应的每个poi的3D偏移 (Δ x mm、 Δ y mm、 Δ z mm) 表示源fe-mra和融合图像之间的不一致。使用一致性相关系数比较偏移。使用组内相关系数和Bland-Altman分析评估观察者间一致性。 结果: 13例主动脉瓣狭窄和慢性肾病患者 (年龄76 ± 12岁; 7例女性) 和2例胸腹血管动脉瘤和慢性肾病患者接受了术前血管评估的fe-mra,所有患者均可进行未增强ct检查。未发生与ferumoxytol相关的不良事件。在来源fe-mra和融合图像上评估了247个匹配的poi。在植入医疗器械的患者中,空间位置的平均偏移为0.31 ± 0.51毫米 (ρ = 0.99; Cb = 1; 95% 置信区间 [CI],0.99-0.99),Δ x,0.27 ± 0.69毫米 (ρ = 0.99; Cb = 0.99; 95% CI,0.99-0.99) 对于 Δ y,Δ z为0.20 ± 0.59毫米 (ρ = 1; Cb = 1; 95% CI,0.99-1.00)。观察者间一致性良好 (组内相关系数,> 0.99)。读者之间偏移的平均差异为1.5毫米。 结论: 准确的三维特征融合是可行的,将fe-mra的管腔信息与非增强CT的血管壁信息相结合。该框架有望将磁共振成像和CT的互补优势相结合,以生成信息丰富的多特征复合血管图像,同时避免两种模式各自的风险和限制。



来源期刊:European radiology
作者列表:["Delattre BMA","Boudabbous S","Hansen C","Neroladaki A","Hachulla AL","Vargas MI"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVES:The aim was to evaluate the image quality and sensitivity to artifacts of compressed sensing (CS) acceleration technique, applied to 3D or breath-hold sequences in different clinical applications from brain to knee. METHODS:CS with an acceleration from 30 to 60% and conventional MRI sequences were performed in 10 different applications in 107 patients, leading to 120 comparisons. Readers were blinded to the technique for quantitative (contrast-to-noise ratio or functional measurements for cardiac cine) and qualitative (image quality, artifacts, diagnostic findings, and preference) image analyses. RESULTS:No statistically significant difference in image quality or artifacts was found for each sequence except for the cardiac cine CS for one of both readers and for the wrist 3D proton density (PD)-weighted CS sequence which showed less motion artifacts due to the reduced acquisition time. The contrast-to-noise ratio was lower for the elbow CS sequence but not statistically different in all other applications. Diagnostic findings were similar between conventional and CS sequence for all the comparisons except for four cases where motion artifacts corrupted either the conventional or the CS sequence. CONCLUSIONS:The evaluated CS sequences are ready to be used in clinical daily practice except for the elbow application which requires a lower acceleration. The CS factor should be tuned for each organ and sequence to obtain good image quality. It leads to 30% to 60% acceleration in the applications evaluated in this study which has a significant impact on clinical workflow. KEY POINTS:• Clinical implementation of compressed sensing (CS) reduced scan times of at least 30% with only minor penalty in image quality and no change in diagnostic findings. • The CS acceleration factor has to be tuned separately for each organ and sequence to guarantee similar image quality than conventional acquisition. • At least 30% and up to 60% acceleration is feasible in specific sequences in clinical routine.

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作者列表:["Guo W","Liu H","Tan Z","Zhang X","Gao J","Zhang L","Guo H","Bai H","Cui W","Liu X","Wu X","Luo J","Qu Y"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:The main surgical techniques for spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage include stereotactic aspiration, endoscopic aspiration, and craniotomy. However, credible evidence is still needed to validate the effect of these techniques. OBJECTIVE:To explore the long-term outcomes of the three surgical techniques in the treatment of spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage. METHODS:Five hundred and sixteen patients with spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage who received stereotactic aspiration, endoscopic aspiration, or craniotomy were reviewed retrospectively. Six-month mortality and the modified Rankin Scale score were the primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to assess the effects of different surgical techniques on patient outcomes. RESULTS:For the entire cohort, the 6-month mortality in the endoscopic aspiration group was significantly lower than that in the stereotactic aspiration group (odds ratio (OR) 4.280, 95% CI 2.186 to 8.380); the 6-month mortality in the endoscopic aspiration group was lower than that in the craniotomy group, but the difference was not significant (OR=1.930, 95% CI 0.835 to 4.465). A further subgroup analysis was stratified by hematoma volume. The mortality in the endoscopic aspiration group was significantly lower than in the stereotactic aspiration group in the medium (≥40-<80 mL) (OR=2.438, 95% CI 1.101 to 5.402) and large hematoma subgroup (≥80 mL) (OR=66.532, 95% CI 6.345 to 697.675). Compared with the endoscopic aspiration group, a trend towards increased mortality was observed in the large hematoma subgroup of the craniotomy group (OR=8.721, 95% CI 0.933 to 81.551). CONCLUSION:Endoscopic aspiration can decrease the 6-month mortality of spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage, especially in patients with a hematoma volume ≥40 mL.

作者列表:["Meng L","Zhao D","Yang Z","Wang B"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a three-dimensional (3D) software tool (smart planes) for displaying fetal brain planes, and the secondary purpose was to evaluate its accuracy in performing automatic measurements. MATERIAL AND METHODS:This prospective study included singleton fetuses with a gestational age (GA) greater than 18 weeks. Transabdominal two-dimensional ultrasound (2DUS) and 3D smart planes images were respectively used to obtain the basic planes of the fetal brain, with five parameters measured. The images, by either two-dimensional (2D) manual or 3D automatic operation, were reviewed by two experienced sonographers. The agreements between two measurements were analyzed. RESULTS:A total of 226 cases were included. The rates of successful detection by automatic display were as high as 80%. There was substantial agreement between the measurements of the biparietal diameter, head circumference and transcerebellar diameter, but poor agreement between the measurements of cisterna magna and lateral ventricle width. CONCLUSIONS:Smart Planes might be valuable for the rapid evaluation of fetal brain, because it simplifies the evaluation process. However, the technology requires improvement. In addition, this technology cannot replace the conventional manual US scans; it can only be used as an additional approach.

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