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Overexpression miR-486-3p Promoted by Allicin Enhances Temozolomide Sensitivity in Glioblastoma Via Targeting MGMT

大蒜素促进过表达 miR-486-3p 通过靶向 MGMT 增强胶质母细胞瘤对替莫唑胺的敏感性

  • 影响因子:2.94
  • DOI:10.1007/s12017-020-08592-5
  • 作者列表:"Wu, Henggang","Li, Xu","Zhang, Tiehui","Zhang, Guojun","Chen, Jingnan","Chen, Li","He, Min","Hao, Bilie","Wang, Cheng
  • 发表时间:2020-02-21

Glioblastoma is the most common primary tumor of the central nervous system that develops chemotherapy resistance. Previous studies showed that Allicin could inhibit multiple cancer cells including glioblastoma, but the function of Allicin in glioblastoma is still unclear. Our work aimed to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism. The results showed that miR-486-3p levels were greatly increased in glioblastoma during Allicin treatment. Overexpression of miR-486-3p increased chemosensitivity to temozolomide (TMZ) in vitro and in vivo. O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) was identified as a direct target of miR-486-3p, and miR-486-3p overexpression prevented the protein translation of MGMT. Moreover, overexpression of MGMT restored miR-486-3p-induced chemosensitivity to TMZ. Taken together, our studies revealed that Allicin could upregulate miR-486-3p and enhance TMZ sensitivity in glioblastoma. The results suggested that in the future, Allicin can be used as an adjuvant therapy with TMZ to improve the prognosis of patients, and miR-486-3p may be a potential target for glioblastoma treatment to improve the curative effects.


胶质母细胞瘤是中枢神经系统发生化疗耐药的最常见的原发性肿瘤。此前的研究表明,大蒜素可以抑制包括胶质母细胞瘤在内的多种癌细胞,但大蒜素在胶质母细胞瘤中的功能仍不清楚。我们的工作旨在研究潜在的分子机制。结果表明,在大蒜素治疗期间,胶质母细胞瘤中的 miR-486-3p 水平大大增加。过表达 miR-486-3p 增加了体外和体内对替莫唑胺 (TMZ) 的化疗敏感性。O6-methylguanine-DNA 甲基转移酶 (MGMT) 被确定为 miR-486-3p 的直接靶点,miR-486-3p 过表达阻止了 MGMT 的蛋白翻译。此外,过表达 MGMT 可恢复 TMZ 的 miR-486-3p-induced 化疗敏感性。总之,我们的研究表明,大蒜素可以上调胶质母细胞瘤 miR-486-3p,增强 TMZ 的敏感性。结果提示,在未来,大蒜素可作为与 TMZ 的辅助治疗,以改善患者的预后, miR-486-3p 可能成为胶质母细胞瘤治疗的潜在靶点,提高疗效。



作者列表:["Orukari IE","Siegel JS","Warrington NM","Baxter GA","Bauer AQ","Shimony JS","Rubin JB","Culver JP"]

METHODS::Glioma growth can cause pervasive changes in the functional connectivity (FC) of brain networks, which has been associated with re-organization of brain functions and development of functional deficits in patients. Mechanisms underlying functional re-organization in brain networks are not understood and efforts to utilize functional imaging for surgical planning, or as a biomarker of functional outcomes are confounded by the heterogeneity in available human data. Here we apply multiple imaging modalities in a well-controlled murine model of glioma with extensive validation using human data to explore mechanisms of FC disruption due to glioma growth. We find gliomas cause both local and distal changes in FC. FC changes in networks proximal to the tumor occur secondary to hemodynamic alterations but surprisingly, remote FC changes are independent of hemodynamic mechanisms. Our data strongly implicate hemodynamic alterations as the main driver of local changes in measurements of FC in patients with glioma.

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作者列表:["Jacquinet A","Bonnard A","Capri Y","Martin D","Sadzot B","Bianchi E","Servais L","Sacré JP","Cavé H","Verloes A"]

METHODS::Mutations in LZTR1, already known to be causal in familial schwannomatosis type 2, have been recently involved in a small proportion of patients with autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive Noonan syndrome. LZTR1 is also a driver gene in non syndromal glioblastoma. We report a 26-year-old patient with typical Noonan syndrome, and the dominantly transmitted c.850C > T (p.(Arg284Cys)) variant in LZTR1. An oligoastrocytoma was diagnosed in the patient at the age of 22 years; recurrence of the tumor occurred at age 26, as a ganglioblastoma. The patient had been transiently treated with growth hormone between ages 15 and 17. Considering the implication of LZTR1 in sporadic tumors of the nervous system, we hypothesize that gliomas are a possible complication of LZTR1-related Noonan syndrome. This report also supports a possible link between occurrence of a cerebral tumor in Noonan syndrome and a previous treatment with growth hormone.

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作者列表:["Bhattacharjee R","Gupta RK","Patir R","Vaishya S","Ahlawat S","Singh A"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) provides vascular information and plays an important role in improving the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative glioma grading. Intratumoral susceptibility signal intensities (ITSS) obtained from SWI has been used in glioma grading. However, the current method for estimation of ITSS is semiquantitative, manual count-dependent, and includes hemorrhage as well as vasculature. PURPOSE:To develop a quantitative approach that calculates the vasculature volume within tumors by filtering out the hemorrhage from ITSS using R2 * values and connected component analysis-based segmentation algorithm; to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed ITSS vasculature volume (IVV) for differentiating various grades of glioma; and compare it with reported semiquantitative ITSS approach. STUDY TYPE:Retrospective. SUBJECTS:Histopathologically confirmed 41 grade IV, 19 grade III, and 15 grade II glioma patients.Field Strength/Sequence: SWI (four echoes: 5.6, 11.8, 18, 24.2 msec) along with conventional MRI sequences (T2 -weighted, T1 -weighted, 3D-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR], and diffusion-weighted imaging [DWI]) at 3.0T. ASSESSMENT:R2 * relaxation maps were calculated from multiecho SWI. The R2 * cutoff value for hemorrhage ITSS was determined. A segmentation algorithm was designed, based on this R2 * hemorrhage combined with connected component shape analysis, to quantify the IVV from all slices containing tumor by filtering out hemorrhages. Semiquantitative ITSS scoring as well as total ITSS volume (TIV) including hemorrhages were also calculated. STATISTICAL TESTS:One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey-Kramer post-hoc tests were performed to see the difference among the three grades of the tumor (II, III, and IV) in terms of semiquantitative ITSS scoring, TIV, and IVV. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to evaluate the performance of the three methods individually in discriminating between grades of glioma. RESULTS:One-way ANOVA showed that only the proposed IVV significantly differentiated different grades of gliomas having visible ITSS. ROC analysis showed that IVV provided the highest AUC for the discrimination of grade II vs. III (0.93), grade III vs. IV (0.98), and grade II vs. IV glioma (0.94). IVV also provided the highest sensitivity and specificity for differentiating grade II vs. III (87.44, 98.41), grade III vs. IV (97.15, 94.12), and grade II vs. IV (98.72, 92.31). DATA CONCLUSION:The proposed quantitative method segregates hemorrhage from tumor vasculature. It scores above the existing semiquantitative method in terms of ITSS estimation and grading accuracy. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:4 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2020;51:225-233.

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