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Molecular Characterization and Clinical Description of Non-Polio Enteroviruses Detected in Stool Samples from HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Adults in Ghana.

加纳 HIV 阳性和 HIV 阴性成人粪便样本中检测到的非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒的分子特征和临床描述。

  • 影响因子:4.03
  • DOI:10.3390/v12020221
  • 作者列表:"Di Cristanziano V","Weimer K","Böttcher S","Sarfo FS","Dompreh A","Cesar LG","Knops E","Heger E","Wirtz M","Kaiser R","Norman B","Phillips RO","Feldt T","Eberhardt KA
  • 发表时间:2020-02-16

:In the post-polio eradication era, increasing attention is given to non-polio enteroviruses. Most of the data about enteroviruses in sub-Saharan Africa are related to acute flaccid paralysis surveillance and target the pediatric population. This study aimed to investigate the presence of enterovirus in PLHIV (people living with HIV) and HIV-negative individuals in Ghana. Stool samples from HIV-positive individuals (n = 250) and healthy blood donors (n = 102) attending the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, Ghana, were screened by real-time PCR for enterovirus. Molecular typing of the VP1 region was performed. Enterovirus-positive samples were tested for norovirus, adenovirus, rotavirus, sapovirus, and cosaviruses. Twenty-six out of 250 HIV-positive subjects (10.4%) and 14 out of 102 HIV-negative individuals (13.7%) were detected enterovirus-positive, not showing a significant different infection rate between the two groups. HIV-negative individuals were infected with Enterovirus C strains only. HIV-positive participants were detected positive for species Enterovirus A, Enterovirus B, and Enterovirus C. Co-infections with other viral enteric pathogens were almost exclusively detected among HIV-positive participants. Overall, the present study provides the first data about enteroviruses within HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults living in Ghana.


: 在根除脊髓灰质炎后的时代,人们越来越关注非脊髓灰质炎肠道病毒。撒哈拉以南非洲肠道病毒的大部分数据与急性弛缓性麻痹监测有关,并以儿科人群为目标。本研究旨在调查加纳 HIV 感染者和 HIV 阴性者中是否存在肠病毒。加纳库马西 Komfo Anokye 教学医院的 HIV 阳性个体 (n = 250) 和健康献血者 (n = 102) 的粪便样本, 用 real-time PCR 方法筛选肠病毒。对 VP1 区进行分子分型。肠病毒阳性样本进行了诺如病毒、腺病毒、轮状病毒、 sapovirus 和 cosa 病毒检测。250 例 HIV 阳性受试者中有 26 例 (10.4%) 和 102 例 HIV 阴性个体中有 14 例 (13.7%) 肠病毒阳性, 两组之间的感染率没有显著差异。HIV 阴性者仅感染肠病毒 C 株。HIV 阳性的参与者被检测出 A 、 B 肠病毒和 C 肠病毒种属肠病毒阳性。在 HIV 阳性参与者中几乎完全检测到与其他病毒性肠道病原体的合并感染。总体而言,本研究提供了居住在加纳的 HIV 阳性和 HIV 阴性成人肠道病毒的第一个数据。



作者列表:["Alhayo S","Leonardi M","Lu C","Gosal P","Reid S","Barto W","Condous G"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Ultrasound has been demonstrated to accurately diagnose rectal deep endometriosis (DE) and pouch of Douglas (POD) obliteration. The role of ultrasound in the assessment of patients who have undergone surgery for rectal DE and POD obliteration has not been evaluated. AIM:To describe the transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) findings of patients who have undergone rectal surgery for DE. MATERIALS AND METHODS:An observational cross-sectional study at a tertiary care centre in Sydney, Australia between January and April 2017. Patients previously treated for rectal DE (low anterior resection vs rectal shaving/disc excision) were recruited and asked to complete a questionnaire on their current symptoms. On TVS, POD state and rectal DE were assessed. Correlating recurrence of POD obliteration and/or rectal DE to surgery type and symptoms was done. RESULTS:Fifty-six patients were contacted; 22/56 (39.3%) attended for the study visit. Average interval of surgery to study visit was 52.8 ± 24.6 months. Surgery type breakdown was as follows: low anterior resection (56%) and rectal shaving/disc excision (44%). The prevalence of POD obliteration was 16/22 (72.7%) intraoperatively and 8/22 (36.4%) at study visit, as per the sliding sign. Nine patients (39.1%) had evidence on TVS of recurrent rectal DE. Recurrence of POD obliteration and rectal DE was not associated with surgery type or symptomatology. CONCLUSION:Despite surgery for rectal DE, many patients have a negative sliding sign on TVS, representing POD obliteration, and rectal DE. Our numbers are too small to correlate with the surgery type or their current symptoms.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Burnett TL","Feldman MK","Huang JQ"]

METHODS::Minimally invasive surgery for complex endometriosis requires preoperative planning that intimately connects the gynecologic surgeon to the radiologist. Understanding the surgeon's perspective to endometriosis treatment facilitates a productive relationship that ultimately benefits the patient. We examine minimally invasive surgery for endometriosis and the key radiologic information which enable the surgeon to successfully negotiate patient counseling, preoperative planning, and an interdisciplinary approach to surgery.

作者列表:["Byun J","Peterson CM","Backonja U","Taylor RN","Stanford JB","Allen-Brady KL","Smith KR","Buck Louis GM","Schliep KC"]

METHODS:STUDY OBJECTIVE:Prior research collectively shows that endometriosis is inversely related to women's adiposity. The aim of this study was to assess whether this inverse relationship holds true by disease severity and typology. DESIGN:Cross sectional study among women with no prior diagnosis of endometriosis. SETTING:Fourteen clinical centers in Salt Lake City, Utah and San Francisco, California. PATIENTS:Four hundred and ninety five women, ages 18-44 years, were enrolled in the operative cohort of the Endometriosis, Natural History, Diagnosis, and Outcomes (ENDO) Study. INTERVENTIONS:Gynecologic laparoscopy/laparotomy, regardless of clinical indication. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:Participants underwent anthropometric assessments, body composition, and body fat distribution ratios before surgery. Surgeons completed a standardized operative report immediately after surgery to capture revised ASRM staging (I to IV) and typology of disease (superficial [SE], ovarian endometrioma [OE], and deep infiltrating endometriosis [DIE]). Linear mixed models, taking into account within-clinical-center correlation were used to generate least square means (95% confidence intervals) to assess differences in adiposity measures by endometriosis stage (no endometriosis, I-IV) and typology (no endometriosis, SE, DIE, OE, OE + DIE) adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, and parity. While the majority of confidence intervals were wide and overlapping, three general impressions emerged: 1) women with versus without incident endometriosis had the lowest anthropometric/body composition indicators; 2) women with stage I or IV had lower indicators compared to women with stage II or III; and 3) women with OE and/or DIE tended to have the lowest indicators, while women with SE had the highest indicators. CONCLUSION:Our research highlights that the relationship between women's adiposity and endometriosis severity and typology may be more complicated than prior research indicates.



