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Viral shedding, and distribution of cytomegalovirus glycoprotein H (UL75), glycoprotein B (UL55), and glycoprotein N (UL73) genotypes in congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

病毒脱落,先天性巨细胞病毒病毒感染巨细胞病毒病毒糖蛋白 H (UL75) 、糖蛋白 B (UL55) 和糖蛋白 N (UL73) 基因型的分布。

  • 影响因子:2.61
  • DOI:10.1016/j.jcv.2020.104287
  • 作者列表:"Puhakka L","Pati S","Lappalainen M","Lönnqvist T","Niemensivu R","Lindahl P","Nieminen T","Seuri R","Nupponen I","Boppana S","Saxen H
  • 发表时间:2020-02-11

BACKGROUND:Children with congenital CMV infection (cCMV) shed virus in urine and saliva for prolonged periods of time. Outcome of cCMV varies from asymptomatic infection with no sequelae in most cases, to severe longterm morbidity. The factors associated with asymptomatic cCMV are not well defined. We evaluated the viral shedding in a cohort of infants with cCMV identified on newborn screening. In addition, we describe the distribution of viral genotypes in our cohort of asymptomatic infants and previous cohorts of cCMV children in the literature. METHODS:Study population consisted of 40 children with cCMV identified in screening of 19,868 infants, a prevalence of 2/1000. The viral shedding was evaluated at 3 and 18 months of age by real-time CMV-PCR of saliva and plasma, and CMV culture of urine. CMV positive saliva samples were analyzed for genotypes for CMV envelope glycoproteins gB (UL55), and gH (UL75) by genotype specific real-time PCR, and gN (UL73) by cloning and sequencing RESULTS: At 3 months age 40/40 saliva and urine samples, and 19/40 plasma samples were positive for CMV. At 18 months age all urine samples tested (33/33), 9/37 of saliva samples, and 2/34 plasma samples were positive for CMV. The genotype distribution did not differ from the published data. CONCLUSIONS: The urinary virus shedding is more persistent than salivary shedding in children with cCMV. The genotype distribution was similar to previous literature and does not explain the low disease burden of cCMV in our population.


背景: 先天性 CMV 感染 (cCMV) 患儿的尿液和唾液中病毒脱落时间较长。CCMV 的结局从大多数病例无后遗症的无症状感染到严重的长期发病率。与无症状 cCMV 相关的因素尚未明确。我们在新生儿筛查中发现的 cCMV 婴儿队列中评估了病毒脱落情况。此外,我们在文献中描述了我们的无症状婴儿队列和既往 cCMV 儿童队列中病毒基因型的分布。 方法: 研究人群由筛查 19,868 例婴儿中确定的 40 例 cCMV 患儿组成,患病率为 2/1000。通过唾液和血浆的实时 CMV-PCR 和尿液的 CMV 培养,在 3 个月和 18 个月时进行病毒脱落评价。CMV 阳性唾液样本通过基因型特异性实时 PCR 和 gN (UL73) 分析 CMV 包膜糖蛋白 gB (UL55) 和 gH (UL75) 的基因型通过克隆和测序结果: 3 月龄时 40/40 份唾液和尿液样本,19/40 份血浆样本 CMV 阳性。18 月龄时,所有检测的尿液样本 (33/33) 、 9/37 的唾液样本和 2/34 的血浆样本 CMV 阳性。基因型分布与已发表的数据无差异。 结论: cCMV 患儿尿病毒脱落较唾液脱落更持久。基因型分布与以往文献相似,不能解释我国人群 cCMV 的低疾病负担。



作者列表:["Ria Goswami","Ashley N. Nelson","Joshua J. Tu","Maria Dennis","Liqi Feng","Amit Kumar","Jesse Mangold","Riley J. Mangan","Cameron Mattingly","Alan D. Curtis","Veronica Obregon-Perko","Maud Mavigner","Justin Pollara","George M. Shaw","Katharine J. Bar","Ann Chahroudi","Kristina De Paris","Cliburn Chan","Koen K. A. Van Rompay","Sallie R. Permar"]

METHODS:Novel interventions that do not rely on daily adherence to ART are needed to achieve sustained viral remission for perinatally infected children, who currently rely on lifelong ART. Considering the risks and expense associated with ART interruption trials, the identification of biomarkers of viral rebound will prioritize promising therapeutic intervention strategies, including anti-HIV Env protein therapeutics. However, comprehensive studies to identify those biomarkers are logistically challenging in human infants, demanding the need for relevant nonhuman primate models of HIV rebound. In this study, we developed an infant RM model of oral infection with simian-human immunodeficiency virus expressing clade C HIV Env and short-term ART followed by ATI, longitudinally characterizing the immune responses to viral infection during ART and after ATI. Additionally, we compared this infant RM model to an analogous adult RM rebound model and identified virologic and immunologic correlates of the time to viral rebound after ATI.To achieve long-term viral remission in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children, novel strategies beyond early antiretroviral therapy (ART) will be necessary. Identifying clinical predictors of the time to viral rebound upon ART interruption will streamline the development of novel therapeutic strategies and accelerate their evaluation in clinical trials. However, identification of these biomarkers is logistically challenging in infants, due to sampling limitations and the potential risks of treatment interruption. To facilitate the identification of biomarkers predicting viral rebound, we have developed an infant rhesus macaque (RM) model of oral simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) SHIV.CH505.375H.dCT challenge and analytical treatment interruption (ATI) after short-term ART. We used this model to characterize SHIV replication kinetics and virus-specific immune responses during short-term ART or after ATI and demonstrated plasma viral rebound in 5 out of 6 (83%) infants. We observed a decline in humoral immune responses and partial dampening of systemic immune activation upon initiation of ART in these infants. Furthermore, we monitored SHIV replication and rebound kinetics in infant and adult RMs and found that both infants and adults demonstrated equally potent virus-specific humoral immune responses. Finally, we validated our models by confirming a well-established correlate of the time to viral rebound, namely, the pre-ART plasma viral load, as well as identified additional potential humoral immune correlates. Thus, this model of infant ART and viral rebound can be used and further optimized to define biomarkers of viral rebound following long-term ART as well as to preclinically assess novel therapies to achieve a pediatric HIV functional cure.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["E. R. Job","T. Ysenbaert","A. Smet","A. Van Hecke","L. Meuris","H. Kleanthous","X. Saelens","T. U. Vogel"]

METHODS:There is a pressing need for next-generation influenza vaccine strategies that are better able to manage antigenic drift and the cocirculation of multiple drift variants and that consistently improve vaccine effectiveness. Influenza virus NA is a key target antigen as a component of a next-generation vaccine in the influenza field, with evidence for a role in protective immunity in humans. However, mechanisms of protection provided by antibodies directed to NA remain largely unexplored. Herein, we show that antibody Fc interaction with Fcγ receptors (FcγRs) expressed on effector cells contributes to viral control in a murine model of influenza. Importantly, a chimeric mouse-human IgG1 with no direct antiviral activity was demonstrated to solely rely on FcγRs to protect mice from disease. Therefore, antibodies without NA enzymatic inhibitory activity may also play a role in controlling influenza viruses and should be of consideration when designing NA-based vaccines and assessing immunogenicity.Influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) has been under intense study recently as a vaccine antigen, yet there remain unanswered questions regarding the immune response directed toward NA. Antibodies (Abs) that can inhibit NA activity have been shown to aid in the control of disease caused by influenza virus infection in humans and animal models, yet how and if interactions between the Fc portion of anti-NA Abs and Fcγ receptors (FcγR) contribute to protection has not yet been extensively studied. Herein, we show that poly- and monoclonal anti-NA IgG antibodies with NA inhibitory activity can control A(H1N1)pdm09 infection in the absence of FcγRs, but FcγR interaction aided in viral clearance from the lungs. In contrast, a mouse-human chimeric anti-NA IgG1 that was incapable of mediating NA inhibition (NI) solely relied on FcγR interaction to protect transgenic mice (with a humanized FcγR compartment) against A(H1N1)pdm09 infection. As such, this study suggests that NA-specific antibodies contribute to protection against influenza A virus infection even in the absence of NI activity and supports protection through multiple effector mechanisms.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Tiziana Lazzarotto","Daniel Blázquez-Gamero","Marie-Luce Delforge","Ina Foulon","Suzanne Luck","Suzanne Luck","Susanne Modrow","Marianne Leruez-Ville"]

METHODS:Maternal primary and non-primary cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection during pregnancy can result in in utero transmission to the developing fetus. Congenital CMV (cCMV) can result in significant morbidity, mortality or long-term sequelae, including sensorineural hearing loss, the most common sequela. As a leading cause of congenital infections worldwide, cCMV infection meets many of the criteria for screening. However, currently there are no universal programs that offer maternal or neonatal screening to identify infected mothers and infants, no vaccines to prevent infection, and no efficacious and safe therapies available for the treatment of maternal or fetal CMV infection. Data has shown that there are several maternal and neonatal screening strategies, and diagnostic methodologies, that allow the identification of those at risk of developing sequelae and adequately detect cCMV. Nevertheless, many questions remain unanswered in this field. Well-designed clinical trials to address several facets of CMV treatment (in pregnant women, CMV-infected fetuses and both symptomatic and asymptomatic neonates and children) are required. Prevention (vaccines), biology and transmission factors associated with non-primary CMV, and the cost-effectiveness of universal screening, all demand further exploration to fully realize the ultimate goal of preventing cCMV. In the meantime, prevention of primary infection during pregnancy should be championed to all by means of hygiene education.



