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Effect of fingolimod on MRI outcomes in patients with paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis: results from the phase 3 PARADIGMS study.

芬戈莫德对儿童起病的多发性硬化症患者MRI结果的影响: 3期范式研究的结果。

  • 影响因子:25.02
  • DOI:10.1136/jnnp-2019-322138
  • 作者列表:"Arnold DL","Banwell B","Bar-Or A","Ghezzi A","Greenberg BM","Waubant E","Giovannoni G","Wolinsky JS","Gärtner J","Rostásy K","Krupp L","Tardieu M","Brück W","Stites TE","Pearce GL","Häring DA","Merschhemke M","Chitnis T","PARADIGMS Study Investigators.
  • 发表时间:2020-05-01

OBJECTIVE:PARADIGMS demonstrated superior efficacy and comparable safety of fingolimod versus interferon β-1a (IFN β-1a) in paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (PoMS). This study aimed to report all predefined MRI outcomes from this study. METHODS:Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) (aged 10-<18 years) were randomised to once-daily oral fingolimod (n=107) or once-weekly intramuscular IFN β-1a (n=108) in this flexible duration study. MRI was performed at baseline and every 6 months for up to 2 years or end of the study (EOS) in case of early treatment discontinuation/completion. Key MRI endpoints included the annualised rate of formation of new/newly enlarging T2 lesions, gadolinium-enhancing (Gd+) T1 lesions, new T1 hypointense lesions and combined unique active (CUA) lesions (6 months onward), changes in T2 and Gd+ T1 lesion volumes and annualised rate of brain atrophy (ARBA). RESULTS:Of the randomised patients, 107 each were treated with fingolimod and IFN β-1a for up to 2 years. Fingolimod reduced the annualised rate of formation of new/newly enlarging T2 lesions (52.6%, p<0.001), number of Gd+ T1 lesions per scan (66.0%, p<0.001), annualised rate of new T1 hypointense lesions (62.8%, p<0.001) and CUA lesions per scan (60.7%, p<0.001) versus IFN β-1a at EOS. The percent increases from baseline in T2 (18.4% vs 32.4%, p<0.001) and Gd+ T1 (-72.3% vs 4.9%, p=0.001) lesion volumes and ARBA (-0.48% vs -0.80%, p=0.014) were lower with fingolimod versus IFN β-1a, the latter partially due to accelerated atrophy in the IFN β-1a group. CONCLUSION:Fingolimod significantly reduced MRI activity and ARBA for up to 2 years versus IFN β-1a in PoMS.


目的: 范例证明芬戈莫德与干扰素 β-1a (IFN β-1a) 治疗儿童起病的多发性硬化症 (PoMS) 具有优越的疗效和相当的安全性。本研究旨在报告本研究的所有预定义MRI结果。 方法: 多发性硬化 (MS) 患者 (年龄10-<18岁) 在这个灵活的持续时间研究中随机接受每日一次口服芬戈莫德 (n = 107) 或每周一次肌肉注射IFN β-1a (n = 108)。在早期治疗中断/完成的情况下,在基线和每6个月进行MRI长达2年或研究结束 (EOS)。主要MRI终点包括新/新扩大的T2病变、钆增强 (Gd +) T1病变、新T1低信号病变和联合独特活性 (CUA) 病变的年形成率 (6个月后),t2和Gd + T1损伤体积的变化和脑萎缩的年化率 (ARBA)。 结果: 在随机分组的患者中,107名患者分别接受芬戈莫德和IFN β-1a治疗长达2年。Fingolimod降低了新的/新扩大的T2病灶的年形成率 (52.6%,p<0.001),每次扫描的Gd + T1病灶数 (66.0%,p<0.001),新的T1低点病灶的年形成率 (62.8%,p<0.001) 和每次扫描的CUA病灶 (60.7%,p<0.001) 相对于IFN β-1a在EOS。在T2 (18.4% vs 32.4%,p<0.001) 和Gd + T1 (-72.3% vs 4.9%,p = 0.001) 损伤体积和ARBA (-0.48% vs -0.80%,p = 0.014) 中,芬戈莫德组比IFN β-1a组的百分比增加更低,后者部分是由于IFN β-1a组中的加速萎缩。 结论: 与PoMS中的IFN β-1a相比,芬戈莫德显著降低MRI活性和ARBA长达2年。



作者列表:["Apivatthakakul A","Kunavisarut P","Rothova A","Pathanapitoon K"]

METHODS::Purpose: To report on ocular Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH)-like syndrome under vemurafenib treatment for metastatic melanoma.Design: A case report.Method: Description of clinical and imaging manifestations including fundus photography, fluorescein, and indocyanine green angiography.Results: A 46-year-old Thai female was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma of the skin and had been treated with multiple surgical excisions, radiotherapy, and vemurafenib (initial dose 480 mg orally twice daily, subsequently increased to maximum dose of 960 mg twice daily). After 6 months of vemurafenib use, she complained of bilateral redness and photophobia and was diagnosed with bilateral anterior uveitis, which was topically treated. Two weeks later, her visual acuity (VA) sharply deteriorated to 20/80 and counting fingers. Ocular examination at that stage stronly resembled acute VKH disease. She exhibited intraocular inflammation, and her fundus examination revealed bilateral optic disc swelling and serous retinal detachment. Fluorescein angiogram showed disc leakage and multiple pinpoint hyperfluorescence leakage spots and indocyanine green demonstrated multiple hypofluorescent spots. Oral prednisolone 30 mg/day was commenced while vemurafenib medication was ceased. Three weeks later, her vision improved, and serous retinal detachment subsided. However, her cutaneous melanoma recurred.Conclusions: Vemurafenib, a potential adjunct treatment for metastatic melanoma, was complicated by the development of panuveitis, papillitis, and multiple serous detachments. These ocular symptoms were similar to the presentation of acute VKH syndrome.

翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Crow YJ","Shetty J","Livingston JH"]

METHODS::Comprehensive reviews of the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), particularly its contextualization within a putative type I interferonopathy framework, already exist. However, recent reports of attempts at treatment suggest that an assessment of the field from a therapeutic perspective is warranted at this time. Here, we briefly summarize the neurological phenotypes associated with mutations in the seven genes so far associated with AGS, rehearse current knowledge of the pathology as it relates to possible treatment approaches, critically appraise the potential utility of therapies, and discuss the challenges in assessing clinical efficacy. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: Progress in understanding AGS disease pathogenesis has led to the first attempts at targeted treatment. Further rational therapies are expected to become available in the short- to medium-term.

关键词: 暂无
翻译标题与摘要 下载文献
作者列表:["Takayama K","Obata H","Takeuchi M"]

METHODS::Purpose: To report the efficacy of adalimumab in a case of chronic Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease refractory to conventional corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy and complicated by central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC).Case report: A 66-year-old woman diagnosed with VKH was treated with intravenous corticosteroids followed by oral corticosteroids and cyclosporine. However, systemic corticosteroids could not be tapered because of recurrent ocular inflammation and systemic complications (diabetes mellitus, moon face, bone weakness), while CSC appeared in both eyes. A diagnosis of chronic VKH resistant to medications complicated by corticosteroid-induced CSC was made. Systemic corticosteroids and cyclosporine were tapered and adalimumab initiated. Bilateral ocular inflammation and CSC were gradually reduced and visual acuity improved without any adverse effect. Twelve months after starting adalimumab monotherapy, no signs of active VKH and CSC were present.Conclusions: Adalimumab is one of the effective therapeutic options for refractory VKH disease complicated with corticosteroid-induced adverse effects.






