
剖宫产术后单层或双层子宫闭合技术: 一项随机试验。
INTRODUCTION:Cesarean deliveries are commonly performed throughout the world. Although the uterine closure technique following this procedure may influence how the uterine scar heals, there is insufficient evidence for choosing the appropriate technique and so preventing long-term negative consequences. This prospective, randomized study examined the effects of single- and double-layer uterine closure techniques on uterine scar healing following cesarean delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:This study assessed a total of 282 women aged 18-45 years who were in gestational weeks 24-41 of singleton pregnancies. None had previously undergone uterine surgeries. These participants completed their first cesarean deliveries at the time of study and were randomized into the following two treatment groups: single-layer closure with locking and double-layer closure with locking in the first layer, but not in the second layer (NCT03629028). However, the decidua was not included for treatment in either group. Participants were evaluated at 6-9 months after cesarean section by saline infusion sonohysterography to assess cesarean delivery scar defects. These procedures were conducted by experienced sonographers who were not aware of the uterine closure technique. RESULTS:Of the 225 final participants, 109 received the single-layer closure technique, whereas 116 received the double-layer technique. The niche rates were 37% (n = 40) for the single-layer group and 45.7% (n = 53) for the double-layer group (P = .22, relative risk 1.4, 95% CI = 0.8-4.4). CONCLUSIONS:The single- and double-layer closure techniques did not produce different impacts on uterine scar niche development.
引言: 世界各地通常进行剖宫产。虽然该手术后的子宫闭合技术可能会影响子宫疤痕如何愈合,但没有足够的证据来选择合适的技术,从而防止长期的负面后果。这项前瞻性、随机研究考察了单层和双层子宫闭合技术对剖宫产术后子宫瘢痕愈合的影响。 材料和方法: 本研究共评估了282名18-45岁的女性,她们在24-41孕周的单胎妊娠中。以前没有人接受过子宫手术。这些参与者在研究时完成了他们的首次剖宫产,并被随机分为以下两个治疗组: 单层闭合带锁定和双层闭合带锁定在第一层,但不在第二层 (NCT03629028).然而,两组均未将蜕膜纳入治疗。在剖宫产后6-9个月,通过盐水灌注超声宫腔造影评估剖宫产瘢痕缺陷。这些手术由经验丰富的超声医师进行,他们不知道子宫闭合技术。 结果: 在225名最终参与者中,109接受了单层闭合技术,而116接受了双层技术。单层组的生态位率为37% (n = 40),双层组为45.7% (n = 53) (P = .22,相对风险1.4,95% CI = 0.8-4.4)。 结论: 单层和双层封闭技术对子宫瘢痕小生境的发育没有产生不同的影响。
METHODS::The ATP binding-cassette superfamily corresponds the mostly transmembrane transporters family found in humans. These proteins actively transport endogenous and exogenous substrates through biological membranes in body tissues, so they have an important role in the regulation of many physiological functions necessary for human homeostasis, as well as in response regulation to several pharmacological substrates. The development of multidrug resistance has become one of the main troubles in conventional chemotherapy in different illnesses including cancer, being the increased efflux of antineoplastic drugs the main reason for this multidrug resistance, with a key role of the ABC superfamily. Likely, the interindividual variability in the pharmacological response among patients is well known, and may be due to intrinsically factors of the disease, genetic and environmental ones. Thus, the understanding of this variability, especially the genetic variability associated with the efficacy and toxicity of drugs, can provide a safer and more effective pharmacological treatment, so ABC genes are considered as important regulators due to their relationship with the reduction in pharmacological response. In this review, updated information about transporters belonging to this superfamily was collected, the possible role of these transporters in cancer, the role of genetic variability in their genes, as well as some therapeutic tools that have been tried to raise against main transporters associated with chemoresistance in cancer.
METHODS:BACKGROUND:Cholinergic neurotransmission regulates neuroinflammation in Parkinson disease (PD). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS:The authors conducted a delayed-start study of donepezil for cognitive decline in non-demented PD patients. The study consisted of a 96-week randomized placebo-controlled double-blind phase 1, followed by a 24-week donepezil extension phase 2. The primary outcome measure was a change in the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) at week 120. RESULTS:A total of 98 patients were randomly allocated to the early-start (donepezil-to-donepezil) and delayed-start (placebo-to-donepezil) groups. Mean (SD) of the baseline MMSE was 27.6 (2.0) and 28.0 (2.1), respectively. MMSE change at week 120 was better in the early-start group than in the delayed-start group, but the difference was not significant. The MMSE declined in apolipoprotein ε4 carriers, but not in non-carriers, and the factor interaction (intervention × ε4 genotype) was highly significant (P < 0.001). Analyzed with the interaction, the difference was significant (group difference 1.95 [0.33 to 3.57], P = 0.018). The MMSE decline slope in phase 1 was significantly better in the early-start group than in the delayed-start group (P = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS:Cognitive function deteriorated in ε4 carriers, but not in non-carriers, and early-start donepezil may postpone cognitive decline in the former.
METHODS::Since the discovery of dental pulp stem cells, a lot of teams have expressed an interest in dental pulp regeneration. Many approaches, experimental models and biological explorations have been developed, each including the use of stem cells and scaffolds with the final goal being clinical application in humans. In this review, the authors' objective was to compare the experimental models and strategies used for the development of biomaterials for tissue engineering of dental pulp with stem cells. Electronic queries were conducted on PubMed using the following terms: pulp regeneration, scaffold, stem cells, tissue engineering and biomaterial. The extracted data included the following information: the strategy envisaged, the type of stem cells, the experimental models, the exploration or analysis methods, the cytotoxicity or viability or proliferation cellular tests, the tests of scaffold antibacterial properties and take into account the vascularization of the regenerated dental pulp. From the 71 selected articles, 59% focused on the "cell-transplantation" strategy, 82% used in vitro experimentation, 58% in vivo animal models and only one described an in vivo in situ human clinical study. 87% used dental pulp stem cells. A majority of the studies reported histology (75%) and immunohistochemistry explorations (66%). 73% mentioned the use of cytotoxicity, proliferation or viability tests. 48% took vascularization into account but only 6% studied the antibacterial properties of the scaffolds. This article gives an overview of the methods used to regenerate dental pulp from stem cells and should help researchers create the best development strategies for research in this field.