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MRI patterns indicate treatment success and tumor relapse following radiofrequency ablation of osteoblastoma

MRI 模式表明骨母细胞瘤射频消融后治疗成功和肿瘤复发。

  • 影响因子:3.58
  • DOI:10.1080/02656736.2020.1739763
  • 作者列表:"Laurent Kintzelé","Simone Christine Brandelik","Felix Wuennemann","Marc-André Weber","Burkhard Lehner","Hans-Ulrich Kauczor","Christoph Rehnitz
  • 发表时间:2020-04-02

Purpose: To explore the typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pattern of osteoblastoma (OB) after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatment and to identify signs indicating treatment success or relapse. Materials and methods: Forty-four follow-up MRI examinations of 15 patients with OB who had undergone 19 RFA procedures were analyzed retrospectively. An early follow-up group (1–4 months after RFA) and a late follow-up group (8–131 months after RFA) were established. The groups were further subdivided according to treatment success. Images were analyzed for the presence of central nidus enhancement (CNE), peripheral nidus enhancement (PNE), perifocal bone marrow edema (PBME) and fatty nidus conversion (FNC). Results: The early follow-up MRI image from every patient in the treatment success group exhibited a target-like appearance with negative CNE and positive PNE or PBME. PNE and PBME were observed in 93% and 71% of the early follow-up images, respectively. A target-like appearance was observed in 25% of the late follow-up images, and PNE and PBME were each observed in 20% of these images. FNC was not observed in the early follow-up images, but was seen in 55% of the late follow-up images. All three MRI images of the patients exhibiting clinical recurrence demonstrated strong CNE, PNE and extensive PMBE, which was in contrast to the images of the patients exhibiting treatment success. Conclusion: A target-like appearance of OB in early follow-up MRI examination indicates treatment success. PNE and PBME typically reduce over time and can lead to FNC in successfully treated patients. CNE recurrence, PNE and extensive PBME are signs of relapse.


目的: 探讨骨母细胞瘤 (OB) 射频消融 (RFA) 治疗后典型的磁共振成像 (MRI) 模式,确定治疗成功或复发的征象。材料和方法: 回顾性分析 15 例接受 19 次 RFA 手术的 OB 患者的 44 例随访 MRI 检查结果。建立早期随访组 (RFA 后 1-4 个月) 和晚期随访组 (RFA 后 8-131 个月)。根据治疗成功进一步细分各组。分析图像是否存在中央病灶增强 (CNE) 、外周病灶增强 (PNE) 、灶周骨髓水肿 (PBME) 和脂肪病灶转化 (FNC)。结果: 治疗成功组患者的早期随访 MRI 表现为靶样外观,CNE 阴性,PNE 或 PBME 阳性。PNE 和 PBME 分别在 93% 和 71% 的早期随访图像中观察到。在 25% 的后期随访图像中观察到目标样外观,在 20% 的这些图像中分别观察到 PNE 和 PBME。早期随访图像中未观察到 FNC,但在 55% 的晚期随访图像中观察到 FNC。表现为临床复发的患者的 3 个 MRI 图像均表现出较强的 CNE 、 PNE 和广泛的 PMBE,这与表现为治疗成功的患者的图像相反。结论: 早期随访 MRI 检查中 OB 的靶样表现表明治疗成功。PNE 和 PBME 通常随着时间的推移而降低,并可在成功治疗的患者中导致 FNC。CNE 复发、 PNE 和广泛 PBME 是复发的征象。



来源期刊:Bioscience reports
作者列表:["Ying T","Dong JL","Yuan C","Li P","Guo Q"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone malignancy in children and adolescents. In order to find factors related to its recurrence, and thus improve recovery prospects, a powerful clinical signature is needed. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are essential in osteosarcoma processes and development, and here we report significant lncRNAs to aid in earlier diagnosis of osteosarcoma. METHODS:A univariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis and a multivariate Cox regression analysis were used to analyze osteosarcoma patients' lncRNA expression data from the Therapeutically Applicable Research To Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET), a public database. RESULTS:A lncRNA signature consisting of three lncRNAs (RP1-261G23.7, RP11-69E11.4 and SATB2-AS1) was selected. The signature was used to sort patients into high-risk and low-risk groups with meaningful recurrence rates (median recurrence time 16.80 vs. >128.22 months, log-rank test, P143.80 months, log-rank test, P=0.006). A multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that the significant lncRNA was an independent prognostic factor for osteosarcoma patients. Functional analysis suggests that these lncRNAs were related to the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, the Wnt signaling pathway, and the G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway, all of which have various, important roles in osteosarcoma development. The significant 3-lncRNA set could be a novel prediction biomarker that could aid in treatment and also predict the likelihood of recurrence of osteosarcoma in patients.

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来源期刊:Cancer letters
作者列表:["Yang D","Liu K","Fan L","Liang W","Xu T","Jiang W","Lu H","Jiang J","Wang C","Li G","Zhang X"]

METHODS::Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) regulates the initiation and progression of osteosarcoma (OS), specifically lncRNA RP11-361F15.2 has been shown to play prominent roles in tumorigenesis. Previously, M2-Like polarization of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) has been identified to play a key role in cancer migration/invasion. Hence, it is essential to understand the role of RP11-361F15.2 in tumorigenesis and its association with M2-Like polarization of TAMs. The results indicate that RP11-361F15.2 is significantly increased in OS tissues, and its expression is positively correlated with cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 4 (CPEB4) expression and negatively associated with miR-30c-5p expression. Further, overexpression of RP11-361F15.2 increased OS cell migration/invasion and M2-Like polarization of TAMs in vitro, as well as promoted xenograft tumor growth in vivo. Mechanistically, luciferase reporter assays indicated that RP11-361F15.2 upregulated CPEB4 expression by competitively binding to miR-30c-5p. Further, we have identified that RP11-361F15.2 promotes CPEB4-mediated tumorigenesis and M2-Like polarization of TAMs through miR-30c-5p in OS. We also identified that RP11-361F15.2 acts as competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) against miR-30c-5p thereby binding and activating CPEB4. This RP11-361F15.2/miR-30c-5p/CPEB4 loop could be used as a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of OS.

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作者列表:["Kelley LM","Schlegel M","Hecker-Nolting S","Kevric M","Haller B","Rössig C","Reichardt P","Kager L","Kühne T","Gosheger G","Windhager R","Specht K","Rechl H","Tunn PU","Baumhoer D","Wirth T","Werner M","von Kalle T","Nathrath M","Burdach S","Bielack S","von Lüttichau I"]

METHODS:PURPOSE:The objective of this study was to investigate potential correlations between pathologic fractures (PFs) and prognosis of patients with primary central high-grade osteosarcoma of the extremities. METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed 2,847 patients registered in the Consecutive Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group database with primary central high-grade osteosarcoma of the extremities, treated between 1980 and 2010. Intended treatment included pre- and postoperative chemotherapy and surgery. Univariable and multivariable survival analyses were performed for all patients and then differentiated for adult and pediatric (≤ 18 years at time of diagnosis) patients. RESULTS:A total of 2,193 patients were ≤ 18 years of age; 11.3% of all patients had PFs. In the overall cohort, presence of PF correlated significantly with tumor site, histologic subtype, relative tumor size, and primary metastases, but not with body mass index or local surgical remission. In univariable analysis, 5-year overall survival (OAS) of patients with and without PF was 63% versus 71%, respectively (P = .007), and 5-year event-free survival (EFS) was 51% versus 58% (P = .026). In pediatric patients, OAS and EFS did not differ significantly between patients with and without PF. In adults, 5-year OAS in patients with and without PF was 46% versus 69% (P < .001), and 5-year EFS was 36% versus 56% (P < .001). In multivariable analysis, PF was not a statistically significant factor for OAS or EFS in the total cohort or in pediatric patients. In adult patients, PF remained an independent prognostic factor for OAS (P = .013; hazard ratio [HR], 1.893). It was not a significant prognostic factor for EFS (P = .263; HR, 1.312). CONCLUSION:In this largest study to date with extremity osteosarcomas, we observed the occurrence of PF to correlate with inferior OAS expectancies in adult but not in pediatric patients.

关键词: 暂无
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