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Prevalence of non Helicobacter pylori gastric Helicobacters in Iranian dyspeptic patients.


  • 影响因子:2.76
  • DOI:10.1186/s12876-020-01331-x
  • 作者列表:"Shafaie S","Kaboosi H","Peyravii Ghadikolaii F
  • 发表时间:2020-06-16

BACKGROUND:Non Helicobacter pylori gastric Helicobacters (NHPGHs) are associated with a range of upper gastrointestinal symptoms, histologic and endoscopic findings. For the first time in Iran, we performed a cross-sectional study in order to determine the prevalence of five species of NHPGHs in patients presenting with dyspepsia. METHODS:The participants were divided into H. pylori-infected and NHPGH-infected groups, based on the rapid urease test, histological analysis of biopsies, and PCR assay of ureA, ureB, and ureAB genes. The study included 428 gastric biopsies form dyspeptic patients, who did not receive any treatment for H. pylori. The samples were collected and sent to the laboratory within two years. H. pylori was identified in 368 samples, which were excluded from the study. Finally, a total of 60 non-H. pylori samples were studied for NHPGH species. RESULTS:The overall frequency of NHPGH species was 10 for H. suis (three duodenal ulcer, three gastritis, and four gastric ulcer samples), 10 for H. felis (one gastritis, three duodenal ulcer, and six gastric ulcer samples), 20 for H. salomonis (four duodenal ulcer, five gastritis, and 11 gastric ulcer samples), 13 for H. heilmannii (three gastritis, five duodenal ulcer, and five gastric ulcer samples), and 7 for H. bizzozeronii (zero gastric ulcer, two duodenal ulcer, and five gastritis samples). CONCLUSIONS:Given our evidence about the possibility of involvement of NHPGHs in patients suffering from gastritis and nonexistence of mixed H. pylori infection, bacteriological testing of subjects negative for H. pylori becomes clinically relevant and important. Our findings suggest H. salomonis has the highest rate among the NHPGH species in Iranian dyspeptic patients.


背景:非螺杆菌幽门螺杆菌(NHPGHs)与上消化道症状、组织学和内镜检查结果有关。在伊朗,我们首次进行了一项横断面研究,以确定5种NHPGHs在消化不良患者中的患病率。 方法:参与者根据尿素酶快速检测、活检组织学分析及尿素、尿素酶b、尿素酶b基因的PCR检测结果,分为hp感染组和NHPGH感染组。这项研究包括428名消化不良患者的胃活检,他们没有接受任何幽门螺杆菌治疗。样品在两年内收集并送到实验室。H、 在368个样本中发现了幽门螺杆菌,这些样本被排除在研究之外。最后,对60个非幽门螺杆菌样本进行了NHPGH种类的研究。 结果:总体猪瘟(三个十二指肠溃疡、三个胃炎和四个胃溃疡样本)的NHPGH种类频率为10,猫瘟(一个胃炎、三个十二指肠溃疡和六个胃溃疡样本)的NHPGH种类频率为10,所罗门(四个十二指肠溃疡、五个胃炎和十一个胃溃疡样本)的NHPGH种类频率为20,海尔曼氏杆菌13例(3例胃炎、5例十二指肠溃疡和5例胃溃疡样本),比佐氏杆菌7例(0例胃溃疡、2例十二指肠溃疡和5例胃炎样本)。 结论:鉴于有证据表明,在胃炎患者和不存在混合性幽门螺杆菌感染的情况下,对幽门螺杆菌阴性的受试者进行细菌学检查具有临床意义和重要意义。我们的发现表明,在伊朗消化不良患者的NHPGH物种中,所罗门氏杆菌的比例最高。



作者列表:["Xie W","Chen C","Han Z","Huang J","Liu X","Chen H","Zhang T","Chen S","Chen C","Lu M","Shen X","Xue X"]

METHODS::Diffuse gastric cancer (DGC) is a lethal malignancy lacking effective systemic therapy. Among the most provocative recent results in DGC has been that the alter of the cellular cytoskeleton and intercellular adhesion. CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) is one of the critical proteins regulating cytoskeleton assembly and intercellular adhesion. However, no study has investigated the expression and biological significance of CD2AP in gastric cancer (GC) to date. Therefore, the aim of our study was to explore if the expression of CD2AP is associated with any clinical features of GC and to elucidate the underlying mechanism. Immunohistochemistry of 620 patient tissue samples indicated that the expression of CD2AP is downregulated in DGC. Moreover, a low CD2AP level was indicative of poor patient prognosis. In vitro, forced expression of CD2AP caused a significant decrease in the migration and invasion of GC cells, whereas depletion of CD2AP had the opposite effect. Immunofluorescence analysis indicated that CD2AP promoted cellular adhesion and influenced cell cytoskeleton assembly via interaction with the F-actin capping protein CAPZA1. Overall, the upregulation of CD2AP could attenuate GC metastasis, suggesting CD2AP as a novel biomarker for the prognosis and treatment of patients with GC.

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作者列表:["Jing JJ","Li H","Wang ZY","Zhou H","Sun LP","Yuan Y"]

METHODS::Aim: To identify the methylated-differentially expressed genes (MDEGs) that may serve as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets in Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric cancer (EBVaGC) and to explore the methylation-based pathways for elucidating biological mechanisms of EBVaGC. Materials & methods: Gene expression and methylation profiles were downloaded from GEO database. MDEGs were identified by GEO2R. Pathway enrichment analyses were conducted based on DAVID database. Hub genes were identified by Cytoscape, which were further verified by The Cancer Genome Atlas database. Results: A total of 367 hypermethylated, lowly expressed genes were enriched in specific patterns of cell differentiation. 31 hypomethylated, highly expressed genes demonstrated enrichment in regulation of immune system process. After validation using The Cancer Genome Atlas database, seven genes were confirmed to be significantly different hub genes in EBVaGC. Conclusion: EBVaGC-specific MDEGs and pathways can be served as potential biomarkers for precise diagnosis and treatment of EBVaGC and provide novel insights into the mechanisms involved.

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作者列表:["Daryabari SS","Fathi M","Mahdavi M","Moaddab Y","Hosseinpour Feizi MA","Shokoohi B","Safaralizadeh R"]

METHODS:Gastric adenocarcinoma, like other cancers, is a multifactorial genetic disease, andmetastasis of cancer cells is one of the main features of this illness. The expressionlevels of the CFL1 gene have been modulated in this pathway. Using small interferingRNA (siRNA) in the treatment of gastric cancer is considered a hopeful genetherapeutic approach. The present study reported the level of CFL1 genes betweentumor and margin and healthy tissue of gastric cancer. Also, the features of a cationicnanoparticle with a polymer coating containing polyacrylic acid and polyethylenei-mine that were used in the delivery of CFL1 siRNA, were shown. Then thecytotoxicity, cellular uptake, and gene silencing efficiency of this nanoparticle wereevaluated with CFL1siRNA. Method:In this study, the CFL1 gene expression was measured in 40 gastricadenocarcinoma, marginal and 15 healthy biopsy samples by a real‐time polymerasechain reaction. Physicochemical characteristics, apoptosis, and inhibition of migrationof the delivery of CFL1 siRNA by nanoparticle and lipofectamine were investigated ingastric cancer cells. Result:The CFL1 expression was remarkably increased in gastric cancer tissues incomparison with the marginal samples and normal tissues (p< .05) and the biomarkerindex for CFL1 was obtained as 0.94, then this gene can be probably used as abiomarker for gastric cancer. After treatment of the AGS cell line by CFL1 siRNA, theCFL1 expression level of mRNA and migration in AGS cells were remarkablysuppressed after transfection. Furthermore, the amount of apoptosis increased(p< .05). Conclusion:Our results demonstrated that CFL1 downregulation in AGS cells caninterdict cell migration. Finally, our outcomes propose that CFL1 can function as anoncogenic gene in gastric cancer and would be considered as a potential purpose ofgene therapy for gastric cancer treatment

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