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Primipaternity and birth interval; independent risk factors for preeclampsia.

初产妇亲子关系和生育间隔; 子痫前期的独立危险因素。

  • 影响因子:1.44
  • DOI:10.1080/14767058.2018.1489794
  • 作者列表:"Hercus A","Dekker G","Leemaqz S
  • 发表时间:2020-01-01

:Background: The exact cause of preeclampsia remains unknown. The past decade has seen an ongoing debate on the relative importance of primipaternity versus prolonged birth/pregnancy interval.Aims: The aim of the current study was to analyze these two major potential risk factors in a high risk population in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide; a socioeconomically disadvantaged area characterized by instable relationships and overall poor health and lifestyle.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed on all multigravid women birthing at the Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide, from July 2011 to August 2012; 2003 patients were included in this analysis. Basic demographic data, previous pregnancy outcomes, paternity, and birth and pregnancy intervals were recorded.Results: Women with a previously normal pregnancy had a significantly increased risk of developing preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancy with a new paternity (OR: 2.27 [p = .015]). Increasing birth and pregnancy intervals were associated with a significantly increased risk of developing preeclampsia in later pregnancies, with OR 1.39 at 3 years (p = .042) and OR 2.05 at 4 years (p = .002).Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that both prolonged birth interval and primipaternity are independent risk factors for preeclampsia in multigravidae.


背景: 子痫前期的确切病因仍不清楚。在过去的十年里,人们一直在争论初产妇与延长出生/妊娠间隔的相对重要性。目的: 本研究的目的是分析阿德莱德北郊高危人群的这两种主要潜在风险因素;以不稳定关系和整体健康和生活方式不良为特征的社会经济弱势地区。方法: 对 2011 年 7 月至 2012 年 8 月在阿德莱德Lyell McEwin医院分娩的所有多胎妊娠妇女进行回顾性队列研究; 2003 例患者纳入本分析。记录基本人口统计学数据、既往妊娠结局、亲子关系以及出生和妊娠间隔。结果: 既往正常妊娠的妇女在随后妊娠中发生先兆子痫的风险显著增加,并有新的父子关系 (OR: 2.27 [p =  。015])。增加生育和妊娠间隔与晚期妊娠发生先兆子痫的风险显著增加相关,3 年时OR为 1.39 (p =.042) 和 4 年时的OR 2.05 (p =.002)。结论: 本研究结果表明,延长的生育间隔和初产妇的父子关系都是多胎妊娠发生子痫前期的独立危险因素。




METHODS::Background: The exact cause of preeclampsia remains unknown. The past decade has seen an ongoing debate on the relative importance of primipaternity versus prolonged birth/pregnancy interval.Aims: The aim of the current study was to analyze these two major potential risk factors in a high risk population in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide; a socioeconomically disadvantaged area characterized by instable relationships and overall poor health and lifestyle.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed on all multigravid women birthing at the Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide, from July 2011 to August 2012; 2003 patients were included in this analysis. Basic demographic data, previous pregnancy outcomes, paternity, and birth and pregnancy intervals were recorded.Results: Women with a previously normal pregnancy had a significantly increased risk of developing preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancy with a new paternity (OR: 2.27 [p = .015]). Increasing birth and pregnancy intervals were associated with a significantly increased risk of developing preeclampsia in later pregnancies, with OR 1.39 at 3 years (p = .042) and OR 2.05 at 4 years (p = .002).Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that both prolonged birth interval and primipaternity are independent risk factors for preeclampsia in multigravidae.

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作者列表:["Lapoirie J","Contis A","Guy A","Lifermann F","Viallard JF","Sentilhes L","James C","Duffau P"]

METHODS::Introduction: Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) greatly increase the risk of maternal and fetal complications during pregnancy. Currently, international agreements regarding the management of these women are lacking.Patients and methods: Our study aimed to assess the current management and outcomes of MPN pregnancies in a French cohort. We retrospectively analyzed 27 pregnancies in women with MPNs that were associated with a specific mutation. Nineteen pregnancies in nine women with essential thrombocythemia and eight pregnancies in five women with polycythemia vera were identified.Results: Our study showed 70% live births, but only 30% uneventful pregnancies. Fetal complications were mainly early spontaneous abortions (22%), fetal growth restriction (15%), and premature delivery (15%). Maternal issues were divided between thrombosis (15%) and hemorrhages (11%). High rates of preeclampsia and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome (15%) were reported. Uterine artery Doppler was performed in 70% pregnancies. Abnormal Doppler results were found in 43% pregnancies. Pregnancies with high platelet counts and packed cell volume remaining static or increasing ended with fetal death and utero-placental dysfunction. According to expert consensus, most of the pregnancies (67%) could be stratified in the high risk group and had a bad obstetrical outcome, with 50% standard-risk pregnancies versus 22% high-risk pregnancies that were uneventful. Higher risk pregnancies were prescribed heparin and/or interferon α in 72%.Conclusions: The prognosis of these pregnancies remains very bad and may be improved by a more effective collaboration between specialists as well as a therapeutic intensification including heparin and interferon α.

作者列表:["Capriglione S","Plotti F","Terranova C","Gulino FA","Di Guardo F","Lopez S","Scaletta G","Angioli R"]

METHODS::Purpose: The challenge to obtain improved predictive tools, able to identify women destined to develop preeclampsia (PE), is raising the interest of researchers for the attractive chance to allow for timely initiation of prophylactic therapy, appropriate antenatal surveillance, and better-targeted research into preventive interventions. We aimed to gather all the evidence reported up to now in scientific literature relating to all prediction tests for PE.Materials and methods: We searched articles on conventional literature platforms from January 1952 to August 2016, using the terms "preeclampsia," "gestational preeclampsia," and "gestational hypertensive disorders" combined with "predictive test" and "risk assessment." Abstracts/titles identified by the search were screened by three investigators.Results: The search identified 203 citations, of which 154 potentially relevant after the initial evaluation. Among these studies, 20 full articles were excluded, therefore, 134 primary studies met the criteria for inclusion and were analyzed.Conclusions: Current evidence suggests that a combination of several features may provide the best predictive accuracy for the identification of PE. Large-scale, multicenter, multiethnic, prospective trials are required to propose an ideal combination of markers for routine screening.

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