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Feasibility Analysis and Clinical Applicability of a Modified Type V Resection Method for Malignant Bone Tumors of the Proximal Humerus.


  • 影响因子:1.07
  • DOI:10.1080/08941939.2018.1483445
  • 作者列表:"Liu Q","Dai Z","Wu J","Ji S","Bai J","Jiang R
  • 发表时间:2020-02-01

:Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility and clinical applicability of a modified type V resection method for malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus. Methods: The relevant anatomic MRI data from 30 normal adult shoulder joints were measured to analyze the feasibility of the modified type V resection method for malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus. Sixteen patients with malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus were treated with modified radical resection between March 2012 and April 2017. Recurrence of tumor was evaluated after surgery, and shoulder function was assessed according to the Enneking skeletal muscle tumor function scoring system. Results: Radiographic results showed that the modified type V resection method was feasible, and within the allowable range of the maximum longitudinal diameter (<29.8 mm) and depth (<4 mm). Surgery was successfully completed in all 16 cases, and pathological examination suggested that the purposes for radical resection had been achieved. All patients were followed up over 3-49 months (mean, 15.6 months). One patient had local recurrence at 12 months after surgery, and we performed upper limb amputation. The remaining 15 patients had good prosthesis survival. At the final follow-up, shoulder joint function had recovered compared with preoperative levels, with a mean Enneking score of 25.8 points (range, 24-27 points). Conclusion: Modified type V resection may be feasible for treating tumors of the proximal humerus, maintaining good early shoulder function.


目的: 探讨改良V型手术切除肱骨近端恶性骨肿瘤的可行性及临床适用性。方法: 测量 30 例正常成人肩关节的相关MRI解剖资料,分析改良V型切除肱骨近端恶性骨肿瘤的可行性。2012 年 3 月至 2017 年 4 月,对 16 例肱骨近端恶性骨肿瘤患者采用改良根治术治疗。术后评估肿瘤复发情况,根据Enneking骨骼肌肿瘤功能评分系统评估肩关节功能。结果: 影像学结果显示改良V型切除方法可行,且在最大纵径 (<29.8mm) 和深度 (<4mm) 允许范围内。16 例均顺利完成手术,病理检查提示达到根治性切除的目的。所有患者随访 3 ~ 49 个月,平均 15.6 个月。1 例患者术后 12 个月局部复发,行上肢截肢术。其余 15 例患者假体存活良好。最终随访时,肩关节功能与术前相比有所恢复,平均Enneking评分为 25.8 分 (范围,24-27 分)。结论: 改良V型切除术治疗肱骨近端肿瘤是可行的,可维持良好的早期肩关节功能。



作者列表:["Lai B","Bond K","Kim Y","Barstow B","Jovanov E","Bickel CS"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:People with Parkinson's disease experience numerous barriers to exercise participation at fitness facilities. Advances in tele-monitoring technologies create alternative channels for managing and supervising exercise programmes in the home. However, the success of these programmes will depend on participants' perceptions of using the technology and their exercise adherence. Thus, this pilot explored the uptake and implementation of two common methods of Internet-exercise training in Parkinson's disease. METHODS:Twenty adults with Parkinson's disease were randomized into either: telecoach-assisted exercise (TAE) or self-regulated exercise (SRE) groups. Both groups received the same eight-week exercise prescription (combined strength and aerobic exercise) and telehealth system that streamed and recorded vital signs and exercise data. TAE participants exercised under a telecoach's supervision via videoconferencing. SRE participants independently managed their exercise training. Quantitative data were described and qualitative data underwent thematic analysis. RESULTS:Quantitative results demonstrated that TAE participants achieved strong attendance (99.2%), whereas SRE participants demonstrated 35.9% lower attendance, 48% less total time exercising, and 74.5% less time exercising at moderate intensity. Qualitatively, TAE participants reported overtly favourable programme experiences and that assistance from a telecoach enhanced their exercise motivation. SRE participants noted several challenges that impeded adherence. CONCLUSION:Findings demonstrate that adults with Parkinson's disease acknowledge benefits of exercising through a telehealth system and are open to utilizing this channel as a means of exercise. However, human-interactive support may be required to overcome unique impediments to participation. Study findings warrant validation in larger trials that can transfer the success of TAE towards more scalable methods of delivery.

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作者列表:["Laustsen S","Oestergaard LG","van Tulder M","Hjortdal VE","Petersen AK"]

METHODS:INTRODUCTION:Cardiac rehabilitation improves physical capacity, health-related quality of life, and reduces morbidity and mortality among cardiac patients. Telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation may innovate existing programmes and increase participation rates. OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to investigate if telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves physical capacity, muscle endurance, muscle power, muscle strength and health-related quality of life in cardiac patients. METHODS:A follow-up study on moderate risk patients with ischaemic heart and heart valve disease referred to a 12-week telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention at Aarhus University Hospital (Denmark). Participants were encouraged to exercise 60 min three times weekly with moderate/high intensity for 20 min per session. Intensity and duration of training sessions were visualised on a smartphone and uploaded to a website. Participants received individual feedback from physiotherapists on their training efforts by telephone/email. Outcome measures were changes in physical capacity (peak oxygen uptake), muscle endurance, power, and strength, and health-related quality of life between baseline end of telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention, and at six and 12 months after end of telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation. RESULTS:Thirty-four participants completed telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation. We identified a significant increase in peak oxygen uptake of 10%, in muscle endurance of 17%, in muscle power of 7%, and in muscle strength of 10% after the telemonitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme. Health-related quality of life was significantly improved by 19% in the physical and 17% in the mental component scores. We found no significant improvement in peak oxygen uptake between baseline and 12 months follow-up, but a significant improvement in muscle endurance (0.3 watts/kg, 95% confidence interval; 0.2-0.4), muscle power (0.4 watts/kg; 0.2-0.5), muscle strength (0.5 N/m/kg; 0.1-0.9), physical health-related quality of life (five points; 2-8) and mental health-related quality of life (six points; 3-9). DISCUSSION:This study demonstrated that the self-elected type of physical exercise in cardiac rehabilitation with telemonitoring improved all outcome measures both on the short and long-term, except for peak oxygen uptake at 12 months follow-up.

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作者列表:["Liu Q","Dai Z","Wu J","Ji S","Bai J","Jiang R"]

METHODS::Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility and clinical applicability of a modified type V resection method for malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus. Methods: The relevant anatomic MRI data from 30 normal adult shoulder joints were measured to analyze the feasibility of the modified type V resection method for malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus. Sixteen patients with malignant bone tumors of the proximal humerus were treated with modified radical resection between March 2012 and April 2017. Recurrence of tumor was evaluated after surgery, and shoulder function was assessed according to the Enneking skeletal muscle tumor function scoring system. Results: Radiographic results showed that the modified type V resection method was feasible, and within the allowable range of the maximum longitudinal diameter (<29.8 mm) and depth (<4 mm). Surgery was successfully completed in all 16 cases, and pathological examination suggested that the purposes for radical resection had been achieved. All patients were followed up over 3-49 months (mean, 15.6 months). One patient had local recurrence at 12 months after surgery, and we performed upper limb amputation. The remaining 15 patients had good prosthesis survival. At the final follow-up, shoulder joint function had recovered compared with preoperative levels, with a mean Enneking score of 25.8 points (range, 24-27 points). Conclusion: Modified type V resection may be feasible for treating tumors of the proximal humerus, maintaining good early shoulder function.

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