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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors in overweight and obese adolescents.


  • 影响因子:1.22
  • DOI:10.1515/jpem-2019-0369
  • 作者列表:"Dejavitte RAS","Enes CC","Nucci LB
  • 发表时间:2020-02-25

:Background Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is not only a problem of adulthood but is already present in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of MetS in adolescents and to identify the associated factors. Methods This was a cross-sectional study with 354 overweight and obese school-aged adolescents (10-19 years). Sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, biochemical and lifestyle variables were collected. MetS was identified according to the criteria proposed by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to examine the associations between risk variables and MetS. Results The prevalence of MetS was 9.6%. Among adolescents with MetS, all of them had low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), while 76.5% had hyperglycemia and 38.2% had hypertriglyceridemia. Only 12.1% did not present any component of MetS, while 40% had at least two components. Multivariate analysis showed that being a girl was a protective factor (odds ratio [OR] = 0.29, confidence interval [CI] = 0.13-0.65) for the presence of MetS, while obesity (OR = 3.63, CI = 1.62-8.17) and being insufficiently active (OR = 4.60, CI = 1.01-20.96) were the risk factors for MetS. Conclusions Obese and insufficiently active male adolescents are more likely to have MetS. Early identification of MetS components, especially among obese adolescents, is an important tool for the prevention of cardiovascular complications in adult life.


背景: 代谢综合征 (MetS) 不仅是一个成年期的问题,而且已经存在于儿童和青少年中。本研究的目的是估计青少年 MetS 的患病率并确定相关因素。方法本研究是一项横断面研究,共纳入 354 名超重和肥胖的学龄青少年 (10 ~ 19 岁)。收集社会人口学、人体测量、临床、生化和生活方式变量。根据国际糖尿病联盟 (IDF) 提出的标准确定 MetS。使用多变量 logistic 回归模型检查风险变量与 MetS 之间的关联。结果 MetS 患病率为 9.6%。在患有 MetS 的青少年中,他们都有低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (HDL-c),而 76.5% 有高血糖,38.2% 有高甘油三酯血症。只有 12.1% 不存在 MetS 的任何成分,而 40% 至少有两个成分。多因素分析显示,作为女孩是 MetS 存在的保护因素 (比值比 [OR] = 0.29,可信区间 [CI] = 0.13-0.65), 而肥胖 (or = 3.63,ci = 1.62-8.17) 和活动不足 (or = 4.60,ci = 1.01-20.96) 是 MetS 的危险因素。结论肥胖和活动不足的男性青少年更容易患 MetS。早期识别 MetS 成分,特别是在肥胖青少年中,是预防成人心血管并发症的重要工具。



作者列表:["Hone M","Nugent AP","Walton J","McNulty BA","Egan B"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Given the importance of habitual dietary protein intake, distribution patterns and dietary sources in the aetiology of age-related declines of muscle mass and function, the present study examined these factors as a function of sex and age in Irish adults aged 18-90 years comprising The National Adult Nutrition Survey (NANS). METHODS:In total, 1051 (males, n = 523; females, n = 528) undertook a 4-day semi-weighed food diary. Total, body mass relative intake and percentage contribution to total energy intake of dietary protein were determined in addition to protein distribution scores (PDS), as well as the contribution of food groups, animal- and plant-based foods to total protein intake. RESULTS:Total and relative protein intake [mean (SD)] were highest in those aged 18-35 years [96 (3) g day , 1.32 (0.40) g kg day ], with lower protein intakes with increasing age (i.e. in adults aged ≥65 years [82 (22) g, 1.15 (0.34) g kg day , P < 0.001 for both]. Differences in protein intake between age groups were more pronounced in males compared to females. Protein distribution followed a skewed pattern for all age groups [breakfast, 15 (10) g; lunch, 30 (15) g; dinner, 44 (17) g]. Animal-based foods were the dominant protein source within the diet [63% (11%) versus 37% (11%) plant protein, P < 0.001]. CONCLUSIONS:Protein intake and the number of meals reaching the purported threshold for maximising post-prandial anabolism were highest in young adults, and lower with increasing age. For main meals, breakfast provided the lowest quantity of protein across all age categories and may represent an opportunity for improving protein distribution, whereas, in older adults, increasing the number of meals reaching the anabolic threshold regardless of distribution pattern may be more appropriate.

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作者列表:["Bonomi AG","Ten Hoor GA","De Morree HM","Plasqui G","Sartor F"]

METHODS:BACKGROUND:Low cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) increases risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events. Periodic CRF assessment can have an important preventive function. OBJECTIVE:To develop a protocol-free method to estimate CRF in daily life based on heart rate (HR) and body acceleration measurements. METHODS:Acceleration and HR data were collected from 37 subjects (M=49%) while performing a standardized laboratory activity protocol (sitting, walking, running, cycling) and during a 5-days free-living monitoring period. CRF was determined by oxygen uptake (VO2max) during maximal exercise testing. A doubly-labeled water validated equation was used to predict total energy expenditure (TEE) from acceleration data. A fitness index was defined as the ratio between TEE and HR (TEE-pulse). Activity recognition techniques were used to process acceleration features and classify sedentary, ambulatory and other activity types. Regression equations based on TEE-pulse data from each activity type were developed to predict VO2max. RESULTS:TEE-pulse measured within each activity type of the laboratory protocol was highly correlated to VO2max (r from 0.74 to 0.91). Averaging the outcome of each activity-type specific equation based on TEE-pulse from the laboratory data led to accurate estimates of VO2max (RMSE: 300.0 mlO2/min or 10%). The difference between laboratory and free-living determined TEE-pulse was 3.7 ± 11% (r =0.85). The prediction method preserved the prediction accuracy when applied to free-living data (RMSE: 367 mlO2/min or 12%). CONCLUSIONS:Measurements of body acceleration and HR can be used to predict VO2max in daily life. Activity-specific prediction equations are needed to achieve highly accurate estimates of CRF.

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作者列表:["Farr S","Stankovic B","Hoffman S","Masoudpoor H","Baker C","Taher J","Dean A","Anakk S","Adeli K"]

METHODS:OBJECTIVE:Postprandial dyslipidemia is a common feature of insulin resistant states and contributes to increased cardiovascular disease risk. Recently, bile acids have been recognized beyond their emulsification properties as important signaling molecules that promote energy expenditure, improve insulin sensitivity, and lower fasting lipemia. While bile acid receptors have become novel pharmaceutical targets, their effects on postprandial lipid metabolism remain unclear. Here we investigated the potential role of bile acids in regulation of postprandial chylomicron production and triglyceride excursion. Approach and Results: Healthy C57BL/6 mice were given an intraduodenal infusion of taurocholic acid (TA) under fat-loaded conditions and circulating lipids were measured. Targeting of bile acid receptors was achieved with GW4064, a synthetic agonist to the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), and with deoxycholic acid (DCA), an activator of the Takeda G-protein-coupled receptor 5. TA, GW4064, and DCA treatments all lowered postprandial lipemia. FXR agonism also reduced intestinal triglyceride content and activity of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, involved in chylomicron assembly. Importantly, TA effects (but not DCA) were largely lost in FXR knockout mice. These bile acid effects are reminiscent of the anti-diabetic hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). While the GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 retained its ability to acutely lower postprandial lipemia during bile acid sequestration and FXR deficiency, it did raise hepatic expression of the rate limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis. CONCLUSIONS:Bile acid signaling may be an important mechanism of controlling dietary lipid absorption and bile acid receptors may constitute novel targets for the treatment of postprandial dyslipidemia.

关键词: 暂无
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